Oct 25, 2009 00:04
Yesterday, Dawn slept over at my place because my cousin and his wife are in Osaka for a week..and so there is no one at home except for the bro in law..
So anyway, I suggested to have a ctkt marathon since Dawn hasnt watched the old episodes of ctkt and so we spent the whole day watching ctkt from 5+ in the afternoon till 5 in the morning..(^▽^;) and obviously couldnt cover all the episodes..so I just played the more interesting episodes of the 100Q segment..We had good laughs watching all the old episodes..and I can say that this is the only show that I can watch and watch again and still enjoy..ヽ(´▽`)/へへっ
Dawn said that she watched too much of ctkt until she dreamt about a variety show with possibly kt in it..(=v=)