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Apr 30, 2005 00:28

For the young Traditionalist: (via Dappled Things)

Click the image above to learn more about this group headed towards World Youth Day 2005.

What is Juventutem?
(from their FAQ)
"Juventutem is an international delegation of traditional youth to the XXth World Youth Day in Cologne 2005 (10th-15th/15th-21st August 2005). That delegation is named "Juventutem" (www.juventutem.com), as a quote from the prayers at the foot of the altar in our 1962 Missal : "Introibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum Qui laetificat juventutem meam". Nowadays there is a cult of the youth as if it were a value in itself. This is good neither for the youth, nor for society in general. That is why we have chosen a name which refers to the only genuine youth that there is, the one dependent not on number of years or cosmetic manipulation, but rather that spiritual youth which follows on the humble and confident familiarity with Divine Grace.

"Still, we know that the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims expected to rally to Cologne, Germany, between 15th and 21st August 2005 will not be older than 30 years of age. It is no secret that few among them are acquainted with the “1962 Missal”. On the other hand, traditional souls do not ignore the abuses which often occur in such huge gatherings, regarding the way people dress or behave, or even regarding the way Holy Communion is distributed. For these reasons, there has never been any official traditional delegation to the World Youth Day so far. God willing, that is however going to change. "

"Introibo...ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.
I will go...unto the God who giveth joy to my youth.
I encourage you young people to join the Juventutem pilgrimage to Cologne this August, where you will bring -for the first time- to World Youth Day the traditional Latin liturgy. The beauty of this prayer needs no marketing: it speaks for itself. All that is needed is your youthful joy and the courage to be Catholic."
fr. Philip Anderson, Prior of Our Lady of the Annunciation of Clear Creek Monastery

The Ecclesiastical Usual Suspects with Juventutem:  3 Cardinals and six Bishops

What a great opportunity!  I'm excited and wonder whether I will be able to make this pilgrimage.  Certainly, I'd like to. 
My various reasons for wanting to go:
1) Spiritual Pilgrimage
2) Chance to see our new Holy Father
3) Supporting Ecclesia Dei through Juventutem
4) The Liturgy
5) The Chance to see Germany and Europe for the first time
6) The various speakers
7) The Liturgy taking place in such beautiful settings
8) A chance to meet other "Traditionalist" peers and to learn from them
9) Come on!  It's WYD! 
10) Did I mention Pope Benedictvs XVI
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