Mar 22, 2005 22:47
Today I spent most of the day watching movies at my job, it's so much better when I am not the one that's working. Anyways, while I was there my friend (Rocio) called me to tell me that one of her friends that was at the party on saturday was interested in me. This is actually quite funny because for some reason (unknown to Rocio, Banana, and myself) I seem to attract her friends. This is the third time this has happened with three different girls. The first one I actually went out with but not for long, the second one was 15 and had recently come here from Cuba (not only was it illegal but I didn't like her attitude), and now the one that I heard of today is the third one. I think I have been giving myself less credit than I deserve, well I am definitely feeling a lot more confident.
I had a really good time at that party, I got to see Adriana again , I hadn't seen her in almost two years, I made some new friends (one of them has a pool table).
I'll see if they caught banana dancing on video, in which case I'll try and show it to his fans,lol. I laugh but I actually admire the guy in the sense that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks as long as he is having fun; he might act like a retard but I respect the fact that he has the courage I don't to make a fool of himself.