Attempted assassination of a Representative to Congress

Jan 09, 2011 21:24

I am shocked and horrified. I am now starting to read that the assailant who shot Rep. Gifford has been identified as a far left liberal because of his list of fave books on MySpace. Erm--Let us look:

There is not any real indication Loughner was a far-left wing nutcase. The favorite books he put up on his MySpace were: "Animal Farm," which is a blatant criticism of communism , "Brave New World," which is a blatant criticism of any kind of totalitarianism , "The Wizard of OZ," "Aesop's Fables," "The Odyssey," "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," "Fahrenheit 451, which is again a rant against totalitarianism" "Peter Pan," "To Kill A Mockingbird," "We The Living, a book by Ayn Rand which is virulently anti-communist " "Phantom Toll Booth," "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," "Pulp," "Through The Looking Glass," "The Communist Manifesto,which is an essay on pure Communism which has never been practiced in any country except Israel's kibutzs " "Siddhartha," "The Old Man and the Sea," "Gulliver's Travels," "Mein Kampf, which is Nazi proganda " "The Republic" and "Meno." I'd say the odds are that what he as reading was more anti-far left wing than pro.

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