1. I went and ran by the Lake this morning--my new stretch of lakeshore, adjacent to my new part of the city. It's hillier than my old Lake route, but also intermittently shady, which was lovely today.
2. Richard Armitage Story Time! I listened to a good hour of Richard Armitage reading (sadly, only an abridged edition of) Georgette Heyer's Sylvester. Mmmmmm Richard Armitage in my ears. ♥
3. Quality time with
renenet! :D
4. I cracked and started reading
KouriArashi's ongoing Derek/Stiles mates WIP,
Divided We Stand. There's already 20 chapters and over 105,000 words, and although it's a super slow build it has definitely already gone some satisfying places in the part I've read, so I am not (yet) regretting the WIP-ness. Although I also haven't gotten to the end of Chapter 20 yet, so that could change.
aethel made
podfic of my Derek/Stiles story "Dream a Little Bigger (Darling)"! Candy-sweet fluff for your ears. ETA: I definitely recommend the with-music version. Because I totally cracked up at the music. ♥
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