Good things about today.

Aug 27, 2013 21:37

Because I need to remember to focus on them, or at least not to focus on the other. In no particular order:

1. The washing machine (which was not working last night, as I discovered after I poured in the detergent) got fixed while I was at work! My clothes are in the dryer now and soon I will have my favorite work outfit all ready for wearing tomorrow.

2. A coworker gave me a ride to and from work, so I didn't have to wait for the bus in the godawful heat or play air-conditioning roulette once I got one. Plus, spotted awesome purple lightning crossing the sky on the way home!

3. Celery. Mmmm, celery.

4. Did not spend most of the day anxiously refreshing Facebook for information about my teenaged cousin, who got hit by a car Sunday night and spend most of yesterday in surgery. Word is that she had a good night last night. She's at a really excellent hospital. Have now mostly managed to stop feeling weird and bad for being unable to promise family members I'll pray for her.

5. Just betaed fic for someone I am very glad to be sharing another fandom with! ♥

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old school posting challenge, good things, dira versus the world

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