Things with which I am not sure what to do.

Sep 05, 2011 16:33

First, an awesome, AWESOME thing:
missmollyetc has made fanart for the Generation Kill wolf-verse and it is the single greatest thing I have ever seen, and obviously I have no bias here whatsoever. :D

We were talking about what happens when a human Marine and his wolf brother or sister leave the Corps, and I mentioned that there must be all-day briefings about adjusting to civilian life with, of course, power point. A few hours later....

Lupine Civilian Integration: Transition Challenges and Responsibilities

:D :D :D

I have it downloaded on my desktop and I still giggle every time I see it sitting there. Molly made me a POWERPOINT, you guys. <3_____<3

Secondly I am thiiiiiiiiisclose to finishing this GK story I'm working on--it's not quite 17,000 words, and I'm still pretty sure I can bring it home in under 20--but I'm kind of ... stuck? Apparently I don't know what to do with these guys when they're not as miserable as humanly possible. It's so weird.

Thirdly I may or may not have said something completely disastrous to
iulia this weekend along the lines of "Man, I want to make a contribution to the genre of Erik/Charles fixit fic where there's no beach divorce, but what would I write?" and then we sat there for hours and hashed out exactly what I should write and figured out how to solve several of the obvious logistical problems and when I woke up this morning the last scene unfolded in my brain and ... this was not on my list of things to write, dammit.

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writing makes me crazy, generation kill, recs

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