30 questions fic meme, day 7: context clues

Aug 03, 2011 08:07

7 - Have you ever had a fic change your opinion of a character?

I assume, given that the other 29 questions are about fic I've written, that this question is asking if the experience of writing a given fic has ever changed my opinion of a character.

My kneejerk reaction is to cite Burn Up in Love Love Love, Panic! at the Disco GSF that originated in me saying, you know, I liked all of the dozens of slutty bottom Ryan Ross stories I had read, but why couldn't there be slutty bottom Jon Walker? At the time I said it it was sheerly contrarian, but by the time I finished the story it seemed self-evident to me that Jon belonged on the bottom of the puppy pile (and Ryan on the top).

For a bit more, uh, depth, though, there's also the experience I had while writing When the Reckoning Arrives, which is how I learned who Arkady Jole is (and all about how his life works). This feels a bit like cheating since I was also making up most of what I know about Arkady Jole, but I can't talk about him in the OC question tomorrow, so you get him now. I wound up writing "When the Reckoning Arrives" only after making repeated failed attempts to write "Everything That You Can Keep" without the detour. But I couldn't figure out how Jole worked, what he was thinking, how to write his voice, and finally I went and gave him his own story in which to find out who he was. That didn't exactly change my opinion of him (my opinion: Jole is the prettiest! And best! And loves Aral a lot!) but it gave my opinion something to work with.

Other than that, hmm. I tend to be kind of ... a stickler for canon? (I feel like if I try to say I'm not
iulia will turn up in the comments to LAUGH AT ME FOREVER, so I should just cop to it.) I try to keep even things that have no reason to be in line with canon in line with canon (and my interpretation thereof), and when writing something that deviates wildly I tend to have a pretty good separation in my mind between, you know, "This is what this character would be like as a professional hockey player" or "This is what this character is like after he's been held captive for months by the bad guys" and "This is what this character is actually like."

On the other hand, lately I have to reach in and forcibly remove the soul-bonded wolves from all my other bunnies that are not supposed to involve soul-bonded wolves. DAMMIT, WOLVES. YOU GET ONE AU. ONE. IT IS YOURS. IT IS A WHOLE UNIVERSE. BUT YOU HAVE TO STAY IN IT.

1 - How did you first get into writing fanfic, and what was the first fandom you wrote for? What do you think it was about that fandom that pulled you in?

2 - Name the fandoms you've written in, and how much you've written in that fandom, and if you still write in it.

3 - For each of the fandoms from day two, what were your favorite characters to write?

4 - Do you have a "muse" character, that speaks to you more than others, or that tries to push their way in, even when the fic isn't about them? Who are they, and why did that character became your muse?

5 -If you have ever had a character try to push their way into a fic, whether your "muse" or not, what did you do about it?

6 - When you write, do you prefer writing male or female characters?

7 - Have you ever had a fic change your opinion of a character?

8 - Do you write OCs? And if so, what do you do to make certain they're not Mary Sues, and if not, explain your thoughts on OCs.

9 - Pairings - For each of the fandoms from day two, what are your three favorite pairings to write?

10 - Pairings - Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone and written a pairing you liked, but found you couldn't write, or a pairing you didn't like, and found you could?

11 - Genre - do you prefer certain genres of fic when you're writing? What kind do you tend to write most?

12 - Have you ever attempted an "adaptation" fic of a favorite book or movie but set in a different fandom?

13 - Do you prefer canon or fanon when you write? Has writing fanfic for a fandom changed the way you see some or even all of the original source material?

14 - Ratings - how high are you comfortable with going? Have you ever written higher? If you're comfortable with NC-17, have you ever been shocked by finding that the story you're writing is G-rated instead?

15 - Warnings - What do you feel it most important to warn for, and what's the strangest thing you've warned for in a fic?

16 - Summaries - Do you like them or hate them? How do you come up with them, if you use them?

17 - Titles - Are they the bane of your existence, or the easiest part of the fic? Also, if you do chaptered fic, do you give each chapter a title, or not?

18 - Where do you get the most inspiration for your fics (aka "bunnies") from?

19 - When you have bunnies, do you sit down and start writing right away, or do you write down the idea for further use?

20 -Do you ever get bunnied from other people's stories or art in the same fandom?

21 - Sequels - Have you ever written a sequel to a fic you wrote, and if so, why, and if not, how do you feel about sequels?

22 - Have you ever participated in a fest or a Big Bang? If so, write about your favorite experience in relation to one. If not, are there any you've thought about doing? And if not, why not?

23 - When you post, where do you post to? Just your journal? Just an archive? Your own personal site?

24 - Betaing - How many betas do you like to use to make sure there aren't any major flaws in your fic? Do you have a Beta horror story or dream story?

25 - Music - Do you listen to music while you write? Do you make playlists to get into a certain "mood" to write your fic? Do you need noise in general? Or do you need it completely quiet?

26 - What is the oddest (or funnest) thing you've had to research for a fic?

27 - Where is your favorite place to write, and do you write by hand or on the computer?

28 - Have you ever collaborated with anyone else, whether writing together, or having an artist work on a piece about your fic?

29 - What is your current project or projects?

30 - Do you have a favorite fic you've written? What makes it your favorite? And don't forget to give us a link!

This entry was originally posted at http://dira.dreamwidth.org/580971.html. There are currently
comments there.

30 questions about fic, writing makes me crazy, memery, bujold, fobmcrp!atd&c.

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