hey, so.

Jul 19, 2010 21:28

A question for people who have seen Inception. Maybe two questions. Because I need to figure things out the better to plot fic with.

Comments will hopefully be full of spoilers soon.

1) So what do we think happened at the end? Perhaps more importantly, what do we think happened after the end? I mean, I have constructed what I feel is a reasonable and well-supported interpretation, but I am curious whether there is some sort of consensus to which fic should respond.

2) Should Arthur have/have had/be having sex (real or dream, real-in-dream or projection-in-dream) with: Eames, Ariadne, Dom, Dom and Ariadne, Eames and Ariadne, Dom and Mal, Miles, Saito, Yusuf, Jack Harkness, all of the above, etc.?

So I was attempting to describe how Arthur relates to Dom to someone who hasn't seen the movie and found myself saying that he was the Ianto to Dom's depressingly celibate Jack Harkness, and then:

Ariadne = GWEN!
Eames = Owen!?
Yusuf = ...Tosh?

Saito = ...John Hart?
Fischer Jr.= Your choice of poor hapless citizen of Cardiff? Maybe whatsisname who fell into the Rift?

Anyway, the point is: Arthur is my favorite and I feel there should be lots of porn about him in the world. HE MADE HIS OWN GRAVITY OKAY.

Oh look, there is porn!
spuffyduds wrote Arthur/Eames for kink_bingo!

This entry was originally posted at http://dira.dreamwidth.org/543198.html. There are currently
comments there.

torchwood, filmic

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