I am currently reading Rebecca Solnit's
A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster, and it is as awe-inspiring and triumph-of-the-human-spirit-full as you might imagine from the title. But I am reading it within a couple of weeks of finishing reading Mira Grant's
Feed, about life two decades after the zombie apocalypse, and yesterday I also read
this blog post by a woman who took her infant to the G20 protests in Toronto.
All of which is probably why I woke up this morning from a dream of finding a gray-and-black kitten in a house where I was squatting, thinking it was a nice, live, fluffy distraction from life as we knew it, and wanting to show it to the little kids of the house, then turning to find that a SWAT team toting assault rifles had burst in in pursuit of the (unregistered, potential disease vector) kitten, and so I stood there with my arms over my head before the men with the big guns, explaining that I didn't know where the kitten was and I wasn't resisting but please, please just be careful searching upstairs, there are little kids up there with their mom.
(Then I woke up and remembered that kittens, and even full-grown cats, are too small to amplify, so no one would need to hunt them. So that's all right.)
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