iulia and I had a weekend of high/indie/British/pop culture this weekend, which is to say that on Saturday we went to the Art Institute of Chicago and then a Greg Laswell concert, and on Sunday we watched Doctor Who and then went out to see Babies and Iron Man 2.
It was an excellent weekend.
One of the many highlights was the Lorado Taft sculpture,
The Solitude of the Soul. The
Wikipedia article for The Solitude of the Soul has better photos--the museum's website barely even alludes to the existence of the fourth figure.
Anyway, Iulia and I agreed, as we circled the sculpture, that the four figures--allegory for human existence blah blah blah--are clearly involved in a complicated and presently rather unhappy poly relationship. The forward facing man seems to really wish he could just take the forward facing woman by the hand and run away from it all--but she is clearly torn, aware of the sorrow of the man with his head on her shoulder and unwilling to make him unhappier. And the fourth figure, the hidden woman, is clearly biding her time and prepared to pick up whichever of the men is left for her, though at the moment she's left out in the cold.
So: clearly there should be fic of some sort about these people, right? Right. If we can have Yuletide fandoms based on songs, surely we can have a Yuletide fandom for this sculpture.
(I would ask for fic of
Metabus, roi de Volsques, except that's actually
Roman Mythology fic.)
I mean, because clearly:
Amy - woman facing forward
Eleven - holding Amy's hand, wishing he could just run off with her but knowing she won't leave Rory and knowing, too, that he'll never entirely outrun River.
Rory - crying on Amy's shoulder
River - biding her time
And therefore, on the strength of the hidden woman's hand on the weeping man's shoulder in the sculpture, I would like River/Rory fic where she takes him off to have adventures (and sex) and commiserate about the insanity of their respective future spouses. QED.
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