Horrible Fanon Childhood Showdown: Quarterfinal Round!

Dec 21, 2009 08:47

Hooboy, the choices are getting difficult!

Leaving the Winners' Bracket for having trauma that is not quite the most unspeakable: Dean Winchester, Fox Mulder, Wesley Wyndham-Price, Tony DiNozzo, Rodney McKay, Parker, Ken Hutchinson, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Leaving the Losers' Bracket for being emo kids who cannot be cheered up: Ryan Atwood, Eliot Spencer, Brendon Urie, Ianto Jones, Methos, Bodie, Horatio Hornblower, and Jim Ellison.

Top Eight Winners' Finalists (Unspeakable Trauma!):

1. Severus Snape (Harry Potter) - 91.4%
2. Harry Potter - 89.6%
3. Lex Luthor - 75.0%
4. Draco Malfoy - 74.5%
5. Daniel Jackson - 70.9%
6. Jim Kirk - 66.0%
7. Xander Harris - 54.3%
8. Alex Krycek - 50.5%

Bottom Eight Losers' Finalists (Cheer Up, Emo Kid!):

1. Spock (Star Trek (2009)) - 28.1%
2. Han Solo - 30.0%
3. Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls) - 30.6%
4. Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) - 31.6%
5. Vin Tanner (Magnificent Seven) - 39.8%
6. Ray Vecchio (Due South) - 40.2%
7. Ezra Standish (Magnificent Seven) - 40.3%
8. Seamus Harper (Andromeda) - 48.1%

And remember, you're always free to vote against someone whose fanon childhood trauma you find substandard. Now, on to the polls!

View poll: Horrible Fanon Childhood Showdown, Winners' Bracket Quarterfinal

View poll: Horrible Fanon Childhood Showdown, Losers' Bracket Quarterfinal

This entry was originally posted at http://dira.dreamwidth.org/520310.html. There are currently
comments there.

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