Having finally watched the Thanksgiving Eve episode of CSI:NY.
I just have two
spoilery questions:
1. What is Danny and Lindsay's daycare arrangement that they can work a 24? 36? hour shift without being at all concerned about Lucy? Clearly Lindsay's parents aren't watching her what with living in Montana, but I guess maybe Danny has a big extended baby-minding Italian family? Still, I wanted them to be, like, checking their phones to find a picture-text from grandma showing that she's fine while they were out to dinner. I'M SORRY, THERE IS NOW A CANONICAL BABY, I WANT BABYFIC IN EVERY EPISODE OK.
2. Okay, this is actually more of a comment than a question, but you know, for a while there I thought, ahhh, Danny and Lindsay, so heteronormative and domestic, I guess I should hook Flack up with someone else in my head--but after that breakdown I am all NO NO FLACK YOU ARE GOING HOME WITH DANNY AND LINDSAY AND BEING PART OF THE SACRED HAPPY FAMILY. AND GETTING LAID. AND WELL-FED. YES.
Although actually now that I think about it I did have some Flack-helps-out-with-certain-able-bodied-husbandly-duties thoughts when Danny was in that wheelchair. Ahem.
So I guess I'll just be over here, being the world's only Flack/Danny/Lindsay OT3er.
*waves tiny flag*
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