1) I am going to see two concerts with
iulia in the next two weeks: The Mountain Goats, and Greg Laswell. (He turned out to be touring in places other than Michigan after all! Like, Chicago! On a Thursday night! Caffeine is my friend! \o/) Why yes, I get all my new music from my flist and vids.
Madisonians: anybody else going to see the Mountain Goats on November 6? Anyone else interested in going to see the Moutain Goats?
2) Seriously, Torchwood calendar? An entire month of Jack and Gray? Seriously?
3) So I am kind of eh in retrospect about The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, and I stopped halfway through Yiddish Policeman's Union and remorselessly returned it to the library, but for whatever reason I bought Gentlemen of the Road at some point and on Friday (after finishing Libyrinth <3 <3 <3) I picked it up and then polished it off in 48 hours. So I guess third time's the charm for me and Michael Chabon novels.
It maybe didn't hurt that I mentally cast Zelikman as Paul Bettany on about page five. And that it totally surpassed all the vague expectations of slashiness I had attached to it. Also, I see it's nominated for Yuletide! *beams hopefully at Yuletiders*
4) Do you remember when I was summarizing bandom stories I am never going to write, and posting the summaries? Yeah, I'm still doing that, but it turns out I'm distractible and bad at summarizing. Which are two things that I'm sure no one knew about me up until now!
5) Writing the Southland telepathy story has gotten to the level of derangement where I have added "If You Could Read My Mind" to my regular playlist. Shut up, it's actually sort of appropriate. In a way.
(I am not sure what my excuse is for "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" and "The Canadian Railroad Trilogy" except that the files are like right next to each other, and it's November, and shut up, Gordon Lightfoot is awesome.)
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