I've been reading/watching/obsessively refreshing a fair amount of coverage of the uprising in Iran this past week. I knew I was saddened by it, but hadn't really thought it was affecting me particularly outside of the time I spent actually watching it.
Today, driving back to work after lunch, Moxy Fruvous's "Gulf War Song" came on the radio, and I sang along like I usually do:
"Won't you stand by the flag?"
Was the question unasked,
"Won't you join in and fight with the allies?"
What could we say? We're only twenty-five years old,
With twenty-five sweet summers, and hot fires in the cold.
And then my eyes filled with tears and I could not get another sound out as the rest of that verse played.
This kind of life makes that violence unthinkable.
We'd like to play hockey, have kids and grow old.
There is a line on my lj/Dreamwidth profile that reads "Writing makes me crazy, but not writing makes me crazier." This is amended, during particularly trying projects, to "Writing makes me crazy, but not writing makes me crazier and this is one of those times." I went today to change it from the latter to the former, only to find I'd already done that a while ago, and am now pondering how to make the second part of that more emphatic. In possibly-related news, my attention span and I both really, really hate summer.
So I signed up for
cliche-bingo! And here is my card:
I am still pondering my strategy. My favorite bunny is for the 'Crossovers' square, but its placement is seriously limiting my bingo options. Hmmmm.