1. Via
splash_the_cat and
commodorified, the Toronto Maple Leafs and the NHL
rock harder than I would normally be willing to admit.
2. In a similar vein, via
nestra, Daniel Craig is not just hot, he also
loves us and wants us to be happy.
3. Speaking of people who love us and want us to be happy,
lilac_one has written, I think, the world's sixth ever Regenesis fic, and it is David Sandstrom/Charlie Eppes.
Go. Read. 4. Chase. Robert Chase makes me happy. Yes he does. I would elaborate on this point if I'd had more than four hours of sleep, but, really, it's been two years, you have the idea now, right? Chase makes me happy, the end.
5. Dead Like Me. I've been trying to finish the second season since, uh, August (yes, I am that person sitting on one Netflix disc for three months and subsidizing everyone else's accounts: you're welcome) and just last night watched ep 2x13, "Last Call," in which the post-its turn purple and Mason goes skinnydipping with Lt. George Hammond (who has a fine ass, btw) and then they TOTALLY HAVE SEX. SHUT UP, YES THEY DO. And even when it makes me sad, this show makes me happy.
numb3rs_newyear! Hi! People! Numb3rs has a winter slashfic exchange! It corresponds more to the show's birthday than to any other actual holiday, which is EXCELLENT because it means fics, at a manageable minimum of 500 words, aren't due until JANUARY 21. That's after finals AND Yuletide AND the holidays! LOTS OF TIME TO WRITE, people!
But not much time to sign up:
today is the sign-up deadline, and so far only two people have committed. Er, not including me, because I do not multitask that well. But I WILL, and
you should too. All slash pairings welcome! 500 words! January 21! Numb3rs fic exchange!
Go sign up right now! I know you can pony up 500 words, so sign up! Now! THIS MEANS YOU!
6. Via
Making Light:
Possibly the geekiest thing ever.