Character Profile (Will be added to as needed)

Jun 12, 2010 18:18

Character Name: Paul Andrews
PB: Bam Margera
Age: 29
Personality: When he has to be he’s charming, but most people he works with could care less about him. Only upside, he loves his job.
History: He grew up in the deep south raised by a very racist grandfather, who beat into him anyone who wasn’t like them was a threat to the US. It really ended up messing him up, so when he entered the military, they decided to stick him in a special group that honed the skills he already had, making him a perfect interrogator, though if his group was ever found out about by those not in his unit, he’d be tried for war crimes, as in torturing POW’s among other things.

He’s never had a girlfriend, thinking that they’re a waste of time.

Power(s): He’s a normal Human though he has training in interrogation, torture and doesn’t give a shit if anyone he works over lives or dies.

What bring them to Fortes?: There’s rumors of a ‘Mutant Army’ being formed and he hopes to either bring them down, or cripple them before they can hurt ‘innocent’ people. At first he’s there to scope out the place, hoping to find a way in. If that fails he will resort to kidnapping one or two of them to get information out of them, and to use as an example to the group that others will die if they don’t give up.

Yeah I am not expecting him to be liked, at all. We needed a good punching bag, Martini needs a break after all.

what: apps, who: paul

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