Aug 08, 2004 11:14
+ First grade teacher's name: i had 3 different teachers....
+ Last word you said: yeah
+ Last song you sang: i dont remember
+ Last thing you laughed at: billy madison
+ Last time you cried: i almost did last night
+ What's in your CD player: switchfoot, "take it to the floor",britney spears and the kickass mix
+ What color socks are you wearing: im not wearing socks
+ What's under your bed: backpacks a sleeping bag...other stuff like that
+ What time did you wake up today: 10 when mike called
+ Where do you want to go: i want to hang out with mike...but we are having a cookout
+ What is your career going to be:something performing i hope
+ Where are you going to live: not sure yet
+ How many kids do you want: 3
+ What kind of car will you have: who knows
+ Current hair: finally all one color! really dark brown.but still a hint of funkiness
+ Current clothes: black boxer shorts,thoroughly modern millie tshirt
+ Current annoyance: my sister
+ Current smell: nothing
+ Current longing: ben and jerrys, mike
+ Current desktop picture: pink star thingy
+ Current favorite group: switchfoot
+ Current book:i finished whispers
+ Current worry: not sure
+ Current time: 11:20 AM
+ Current wish: im keeping it to myself
+ Current hate: alan
+Current favorite article of clothing: idk
+ Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes, personality
+ One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: darcy
+ One person you wish was here right now:mike
+ Line from the last thing you wrote to someone: haha i hope we dont have to do that
+ I am happiest when: with friends on "perfect" days
+ I feel lonely when: im home alone
+ Do you think too much:wayyyy to much
+ If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be: NYC
+ Famous person you would like to meet: there are too many
+ Do you have any regrets: some
+ Favorite coffee: mmmm starbucks
+Favorite smell: mango mandarin from bath and body works
+ What really makes you mad: theres alot of these too
+ Favorite way to waste time: in the arms of mike
+ Are you currently in love: absolutely
+ Last thing you bought for yourself: umm...i dont know
+ Do you wear a watch: not really
+ How many coats and jackets do you own: alot
+ Favorite pants/skirt color: denim
+ Most expensive item of clothing: not sure
+ Most treasured: ??
+ Last book you read: Whispers
+ Last movie you saw: Billy Madison
+ Last movie you saw on the big screen: The Village
+ Last phone number you called: mikes cell
+ Last show you watched on TV: larry the cable guy
+ Last song you heard:dont remember
+ Last thing you had to drink: Juicy juice
+ Last thing you ate: luckyy charms
+ Last time you showered:this morning
+ Last time you smiled: last night
+ Last person you hugged: mike
+ Last thing you said: ??
+ Last person you talked to online: mike
+ Last person you talked to on the phone: mike
+ Last thing you smelled: my nose is stuffy
.....DO YOU.....
+ Smoke: NO
+ Do drugs: NO
+ Drink: i did at my moms
+ Sleep with stuffed animals: my teddy bear
+ Have a crush: yes
+ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend:yes
+ Believe in miracles: yes
+ Consider yourself tolerant of others: yes
+ Like the taste of alcohol: some stuff
+ Have any piercings: ears
+ Have any tattoos: no
+ Hate yourself:
+ Wish on stars: or venus..hahaha
+ Like your handwriting:occasionally
+ Have a second family: yeah...i have many families
+ Trust others easily: no
+ Sing in the shower: if im home alone
+ Have a theme song for yourself: i dont know..any suggestions?