Sep 01, 2005 21:02
When gangs of teenage boys roam the streets raping women and shooting eachother, when armed bands of men patrol the streets, when looters break into stores to steal appliances in a city without power... then you know that some people deserve to die a slow and horrible death in the cold clutches of the Gulf of Mexico. I can understand needing to steal food and water, but how the hell do you justify carrying off a wide screen TV in waist-deep water. This is just another example of urban decay. Where the hell is Bill Cosby when you need him? He would go fucking bananas with this.
I see aid workers in NOLA. I see military helicopters and government employed rescuers at work. But the government's efforts to assuage the situation has been somewhat underwhelming, at least from my point of view. Police, firefighters, and other govt. services were excellent on 9/11, so comparing it to the current reaction in the Gulf makes me wonder a bit about what uncle Sam has been doing all this time.
Just one more thing: Let me re-iterate this; vicarious looters and vigilantes - I hope to God you get what's coming to you, and SHAME on anyone who defends them. That attitude is what's wrong with so much of the world today.
End preach.