Dec 30, 2006 18:04
HELLO friends and strangers ..... How be y'all ?
A big shout all to all who sent me christmas wishes / cards / texts etc...... Hope things are going well for you so far this silly season.
I have been entirely slack this year and for the second year in a row didn't send any christmas cards, and also my phone was buggering up as I was transferring to Vodafone prepaid and had no credit for a while there so i didn't get any Christmas SMS's out either.
I hope the next year is better for all of us than this one was, can we agree on that ? Cool.
We spent xmas in sydney with the family which was exhausting as always but fun too. Just got home yesterday afternoon so am still recovering.
Got addicted to Poker Texas Hold-em and trying to find a nice poker set with chips etc.
I went for a bike ride this arvo and got pulled up by the cops for not having a helmet on!! I was keeping to the side streets and bike tracks just in case, but there were a couple of bicycle cops on the same track!! My excus for not wearing a helmt - I don't have one! Serious, when the buggers stole my bike a few months ago, they also stole my helmet...... but lucky i was on my way to Big W to buy one, so they let me off..........
This year has been pretty full on, and lots of changes - work I guess being one of the major ones. But i am down to the final 2 for my interview at DOCS so hopefully i will hear from them next week with good news. Lou and I went and passed our Les Mills accreditation and are now fully qualified Bodycombat instructors, so i just need to finish my Certificate III in Fitness Instruction (so i can get insurance) and look at finding a class to teach! The mantra for next year is "NO EXCUSES" so we will see what things we can manifest for ourselves.
Be good to your livers people and look after each other - i will most likely be back next year with a proper rundown.
I hope you had a great Christmas and have a lovely New Years and that the new year is full of great things for you!
Love to all.