So I have been running around with my head cut off all week, and if you throw exhaustion on top of it - well, let's just say I'm not returning too many phone calls lately. It has all been pretty good though, so I cannot complain too much. Sunday was a lovely day spent at the AFM races with some my closest friends. We watched in awe as
phreddiva sang the National Anthem to start the races. We laughed through my red alert moment, had a picnic, watched the races and generally had a fantastic time. Then Monday was the dancing...and the djs were out to kill me. Tuesday was teaching chainmail to completely inept women and now tomorrow is upon us and is actually today.
which means, in case you haven't been paying attention - tonight is THUNDERDOME IN SF.
Heres the old blurb since I'm too tired to write a new one...though I'll throw in a few extras. LOTS of great, out of town kids are coming to play. We have rockstar vs. diva entertainment.....ok, not really versus, since they are singing A DUET PEOPLE. And did I mention I took Friday off today?? You have to join me now.
It's funny, no matter how many of them I go to or donate to - there is not one other group that throws a party like Thunderdome. True, I may be biased, after all I am very guilty by association - however, I ask you - what other group of people can get a line half a block long for getting 'Whore" spraypainted across their backs? Who else can claim to have had John Law and Maid Marian in a grudge match? Where else can you beat the hell out of your nearest and dearest without (mostly) repercussions?
Not to mention, the talent. Dear god the talent.
Diva Marisa actually can sing the Fifth Element.. not lip-sync it. Ariellah can captivate you with her dancing. Nowhere else has there ever been an trapeze/aerialist duel, until this party. Our DJs are divine. The list goes on and on and I am blown away by my ftriends and what they can do. You could be too.
I cannot tempt anymore, really. But I will try for if none of these things have worked - here's the last minute appeal to your comfort and survival. It is true that we are auctioning off your OWN PRIVATE PORTAPOTTY for Burning Man. Yes, it was a good idea that we have stolen. It doesn't change the fact that you can bid on your own portaloo.....and anyone who has ever been to Burning Man even for a second knows that is worth some serious cash.
So here's the skinny. I'd love it if you reposted this everywhere - including that evil facebook place. Our friends need to go to Burning Man and they are part of the only slivers left there that can encompass what the damn thing used to be about. Chaos, Fun, Fights, Weapons, Fire and uncompromising hard work. Join us.
Thursday August 5th 2010
Death Guild Presents
Death Guild Thunderdome Fundraiser
bringing the wrong side of the tracks to you
Performances by:
Techno-opera crown jewel of DGTD
Dark Fusion Belly Dance by
Punk Burlesque by
Eerie De Scent
First time ever, aerialist combat performance by
Your Little Chernobyl and Tuffy
DJ Decay
DJ Melting Girl
DJ MzSmantha
A silent auction will be held through out the night
Some of the items we have already secured are:
* A chartered fishing trip for 4 with Captain Decay on the Warrior Poet
* An IPOD Nano from DJ Melting Girl
* A Jungle "playground" tour for 4 on the Playa
* A TD girls spa day gift basket
* A personal porta potty
* Authentic Thunderdome Weapons
Death Guild merchandise will also be for sale.
Donations can be made via PayPal to advance tickets $25 available at
dnalounge.comdoor sliding scale $10 to $1,000,000
8pm to 2am
Also, Friday at the same location is hubba hubba review, and our lovely Mother Joseph is performing.
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
Like right now.