a perfect moment

Jun 28, 2009 01:54

I wandered into nothing with a head full of acid and a vague destination ahead. There was a lot of noise in the distance that sounded like what the demons of hell would screech like in the stories my parents would tell me as a child..yet somehow I was drawn to it. There was a strange orange glow that was capturing me like a candle mesmerizes the moth and I couldn't turn away if I had wanted to...
Which I didn't.

There were 3 drums of gasoline on fire. As one was kicked over by a guy wielding a monstrous thing named Thor and the fire danced in the wind I looked around at the crowd and found the other members of my tribe. Seconds later the air around us exploded as numerous people started weaving through the crowd banging on bits of metal, throwing grapes and meat, screaming, dancing, and swarming the stage to morph into a chaotic and primal band that seemed to dare the crowd into listening to their music. They left me breathless and full of the desire to be more.

And we were.

When F-Space and Tchkung! took the stage the following night they were joined by 5 flaming twirlers and spinners - who had no idea what 'fire safety' was and who didn't care if anyone watched or not ...all we knew was that we were setting the world on fire and had the singed hair and the soundtrack to prove it. No egos, no judgments, no motive. Just the perfect and pure moment shared by those of us up there and a few thousand other people.

There was one song that night that literally sent me somewhere else. I don't recall those elemental seconds. I just reappeared on a stage box after the torches were out and the song was over. It is Tchkung!s Digamy and I have searched for it on CD for years. My tape is just all worn out and though I cannot throw it away, I also cannot listen to it. Tonight I found Digamy. 15 years later, it still takes me to some other place - one that is a paradise of noise, fire and dust. In fact,  If it wasn't 2AM I'd probably go light up my backyard.

I love when the universe lets you revisit a sacred spot in time. I can almost smell the gasoline and the kerosene and the sweat .I can almost see the shadow dancers lit by fire and the crowd surge back when the kicked 50 gallon drum started raining burning gasoline.

..and people wonder why I was the only one who was always so thrilled when F-Space played in our dome. You'd love him too if you saw him try to set his audience on fire back in the dangerous days......

i used to be hardcore, tchkung!, burning man

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