know thine enemy

Nov 29, 2007 00:03

It is a rule to live by.  It is why I watched the entirety of the YouTube Republican debates this evening.  And before anyone jumps to the most obvious conclusion - I'm not necessarily talking about the candidates.  I am also talking about the people who asked these questions, for in a lot of cases I am pretty sure they'd try to kill this red-headed freak from Cal-i-for-ni-a as soon as they could get away with it.  In the last 10 minutes after sitting here for 33 questions and responses, I've been trying to figure out who scares me more - the candidates themselves or the sampling of American people that they showed both asking the questions and in the crowd. 
I don't know what the most depressing moment was in the last hour. 
Perhaps it was the Rich White Guy telling people to Buy American for Christmas because China is cheating.
Perhaps it was when the 42year veteran (general I might add) of countless wars, OCS, Special Forces and the War College was booed as he stood in uniform trying to be recognized and approved of as a capable but gay man.
Perhaps it was when Mitt Romney stated he would be "delighted" to sign a federal abortion ban.
Perhaps it was when some loon held up a bible and said "how you answer this will tell us all we need to know about you"....and then asked if they believed in every single word of that particular book.
Then again, perhaps it was the answers to these questions and the responses that were so terribly depressing....and the fact that the only one that should have eceived the cheers and ovations didn't get them.

Only 2 things I can agree with in the entire episode.
1. People should try to buy american goods.  However, given the option when you're living way below the poverty line - most cannot and will not.
2.Waterboarding is torture, and thank you John McCain for the momentary glimpse (however fleeting it was) of the guy that I actually thought about voting for once.

I think it's pretty safe  to say that in ALL other cases, I was in total and complete opposition and  trembling in fear of what options this country deems viable.  Mitt Romney is a dodger with no policy to speak of whatsoever except his perfect teeth, his gun-toting son and his bible in his hand, Guilliani is far too liberal for the kind of people he's trying to represent and doomed to fail, Mike Huckabee wants this country for God...and the rest of the world too, Ron Paul is a crazy person who needs a tin foil hat more than I do and Fred Thompson needs to not quit his day job - you know the one, where he ACTS....oh wait...I guess he's still doing that, isn't  he?
Shame.  I actually liked him on Law and Order.

I have a bad taste in my mouth, a sudden need for a long shower and an outlet for all this angst.  I like my bubble.  It's a shame I feel the need to look outside of it for I think I'd be a much happier person if I didn't.  And now, after taking the time to read my rant, you can add the obvious conclusion to the rest......this particular bay area, fringe-element, pro-choice pinko freak will not be casting her vote for any of those fuckers.


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