Am slowly collecting my flist back

Feb 19, 2021 07:45

Am finding everyone slowly but surely! I need to ask Alicia or as they now prefer Alex, how to make the font bigger. I can barely read what I type. I do know I'll have to start writing in my e-mail again if i can't. My eyes are getting bad but there is no funds for glasses and I'm already at a 3.25 in readers. Ah well. I'll muddle through it.

My hubby and I bought my son and his fiance a doublewide, 3 bedroom/2 bath, mobile home when they were pregnant with my backpay from disability. We moved in with them fully on
October 29th. We're still unpacking boxes. Never knew how much stuff we had in our tiny apartment until we had to move it. We are going to try to get a shed to put some of this collected crap in.

Welp, fingers are tired, and time for eating and meds. (Have an ulcer so I have to eat first.) I'll write more later! Goodness I've missed this!💗
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