LJI wk1 2022 Black Rainbow

Feb 06, 2022 01:55

Mama and I lived in a cozy flat, above a small consignment shop she owned in town. She'd bought the building with the insurance money from when papa died in the big mine collapse eight years ago. A quarter of the town's people lost brothers, sons, and husbands that day.

I wasn't born yet so I don't remember papa. Sometimes I wish I had been though, and old enough to be able to stop it somehow.

When I get all blue about not remembering my papa, mama ruffles my hair and tells me how much papa would've loved me. She says he wouldn't want me to put so much weight on my shoulders, and that little boys shouldn't worry so much about what is fated.

See, I was born under a black rainbow, that's what mama told me. I didn't understand what she meant until the visions started. Colors swirling all around some people, seeming as if they'd swallow a body up! This used to scare me until mama told me papa had the 'sight' sometimes too. What I was 'seeing' she explained, were auras. Every person has one, and all were weaved different. What I could see, most folk couldn't.

Other boys don't have my vision, I told her. She said, no they didn't, but that just made me special. All I could do was tell people what I saw. The rest was in their hands.

The sight I had into their auras would pulse, like a heartbeat. Their colors swirling together, changing sometimes with a person's mood. Those that stopped suddenly shining and pulsed grey and black, those were bad, mostly accidents, and very hard to discern ( I learned that word from mama ). It's as if you're squinting at something really hard because it's shiny then suddenly -poof- it turned to smoke.

Sometimes I would glimpse the danger and try to warn that person. I'd let them know to be careful while driving, or to watch their step. But danger comes from many directions, too many to tell from where. I hated that. Why have such a thing and not be able to tell people. Especially the ones I knew.

Then there were times I could see a sickness. There'd be a sickly green thread streaming out from whatever area in a person's body was doing poorly, and it would wrap itself into their aura's colors. I'd warn them, telling them they needed to visit the doc to check them over. Sometimes they'd listen. Others, they'd give me an awkward smile and a pat on the head as they went on their way.

Those were the ones mama and I would hear about sometime later of having died of the cancer or the sugar disease.

But ones like Mrs. McNamara, who truly listened and believed, I could see right then that sickly black thread turning into a lighter shade. Mama would be sure to tell me when she had any news about her.

Mrs. Graham, who worked with Mrs. McNamara came for tea with mama, and said Mrs. McNamara was almost recovered from the cancer treatments. They caught the cancer early. She was expected to live, and sent me a hug! As soon as she was out our way she wanted to take me for ice cream! With mama's permission of course!

That made me feel like I did something important and good.

Then there came the dreadful day. It seemed like everywhere I'd look, someone in our town had a grey- black thread wrapped around themselves. I just knew something awful was going to happen. If only I could see what.

Worse- When I went to tell mama, she had the thread too! We were supposed to go to my Aunt's house for my cousin's birthday, I begged mama to let us stay home. Mama said No! Even knowing what I told her! I just sat straight down and burst into tears.

But mama had a plan. She said the only thing different for us about today was driving to Aunt Becky's house. Well, we'd start the drive and I'd watch mama's aura. When it would start getting closer to whatever doom was going to happen her aura would get darker. We should be able to tell by that where the awful thing would happen.

Mama bought large pieces of heavy construction paper and nailed them to posts. On the papers she a drew large *WARNING* in Red and black - Robert Sanford says to go back!!! Proceed at your own peril!!! *DANGER*

We packed up the signs and my cousin's present, and set out. I asked mama what about the people who wouldn't listen? She cupped my face in her hands and told me that whatever happened I did my best. She hugged me close and told me how proud papa would be, and that not everyone could escape their fate. And that wasn't my fault.

Mama started the car, and we began to drive.

We drove along for a few miles when mama's grey thread started to darken. I told mama, and she said to pay attention to the road signs and traffic. We took a turn into the roadway for the bridge to Aunt Becky's side of town. Mama's aura was almost totally covered in grey and we knew! It was the bridge! Something would happen at the bridge!

There were two bridges that cut the town, ours went one way, and Aunt Becky's bridge brought them our way. I once asked mama why they weren't built together, and she said it had something to do with weight and suspension. I pretended to understand, but now I was glad because we wouldn't be able to warn the people on the other side.

We stopped the car a mile before the causeway going over the water! Mama posted a sign below the bridge sign. We turned the car around and placed another sign a half a mile before that one and left another across the road.

We posted all the signs we had and headed back. Mama's aura started to lose the dark thread the closer to home we got. I looked at Mama and gave her the biggest hug I could.

"So what do we do now mama?" I asked.
"We wait." She replied pulling me close.

We heard about the barge running into the bridge on the news. It did something to the foundation and the bridge toppled into the water. The newsman said that while there were 8 people who died, there was less traffic on the bridge than usual, and many lives were saved. Most likely because of all the warning signs that had been posted before the accident happened.

Then they thanked ME!- Rob Sanford!- On television! Mama said papa would've been so proud!!

I guess my sight's not so useless after all.
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