Jan 17, 2008 11:27
[x] Money always all face the same direction
[x] You have helped clean someone else's house.
[x] You are picky about everything
[x] You have wiped off a kids face that wasn't related to you.
[x] You have taken three showers in one day at least once.
[x] You "fix" things like photo frames that are sideways.
Total: 6
[x] A tag coming out of someone's shirt presents a problem to you.
[x] You rock at making lists.
[x] You're very into details.
[X] You know how to do your own laundry.
[x] If you can't fix something it drives you nuts.
Total: 5
[x] Nothing is wrong with having things alphabetized.
[] You count your steps most of the time.
[x] You have to know everything.
[x] Everything has a place.
[x] Untied shoes bug you.
Total: 4
[x] If you're walking through a store and something is off a rack you put it back.
[x] If labels aren't facing you, you have to fix them so that they do.
[x] Things don't have to be perfect. They just have to be the right way according to you.
[x] You like vacuuming…it just makes the floor look better.
[x] A cleaning product has blown your mind
Total: 5
[x] It bothers you when someone moves something out of place.
[x] You have categorized something.
[x] Typos drive yuo nuts. (exactly!)
[x] You have corrected a teacher.
[X] You have to touch a certain thing when you pass by it.
Total: 5
Grand Total: 25
Count the check boxes and multiply that number by 4
Repost as "I am 100% OCD"