Dec 31, 2005 21:35
ok so this is deff gunna be a long entry. i was gunna make them 2 seperate ones but awh ill jsut put them in one. so anyway its been a tough week. christmas was fun and the day after christmas i worked and went out to see wolf creek with shana *hey debb its chris,its a winna!*yea and then on wedasday i went tosee rent with chrissy chris dan shana and dana. this was deff the best part of my week. me and chris won lotto shana and dana gave their ticekts up to chrissy and dan so us 4 went. dana and shana went to the wax museum which they seemed they ahd a fun at. lol be4 lotto we went to starbucks and shana told a joke on camera lol and we all got peppermint hot cocco cause its rock *tall peppermint hot cooca WHIPPP, someone else is coffee* so anyway ive seen rent 4 times yea after the play we ate at applebees cause jekyl and hyde was like a 3 hour and 45 minute wait.and it was a long effin walk there too and i ran into some guy and we made wishes and heard black city talk*jiggy jiggy jiggy... in da house* yea we ate dinner and we walked back to penn station and on the way dana said she wanted this big pine cone that was outside of a building so i was gunna pick one up and pretend to steal but it was detached and i just walked off with it lmao and now i have even tho dana wanted and when my sister came home shes like i have one of these and im like jenny i stole and shes like oh ME2! ok then we are on the train home and me and shana are being silly, dana and chrissy were talkin and dan and chris were like sleeping lol and we get to hicksville and the annoucer guy comes on and was like" sorry train infront of us went on fire and our train wont be moving anymore east." so we were stranded for awhile in hicksville til my dad picked us up *i have gas... oh no we have to squeeze in the back of the car*so yea then we decided we were going to troianos for new years eve but it didnt happen lol. soyea that was teh city trip and it was the best day of my vacay.colorguard camp ahs been these past three days and im exhausted. the first day sucked cause all we did was fight lol. yesterday and today werent too bad but im jsut so tired and if u saw my wrist and knees u would think i lived in an abusive home lol. and yea this all leads me to now. i went to smokey bones with robb jakii james dana and karen and we were suppose to go to danas but it didnt happen so now im hear : ( anyways im gunna make a list of how 2005 went for me and what i did. so here it if i miss anything add it.
-outside the box winter camp
-sleeping over maggies
-pit for kiss me kate
-trash can gets a flat tire experience lmao
-marching band banquet
-mid island
-seneca cg show 62.7
-my first wgi regional 7th place ( circle of love competition)
-bob and steve coming home from heaven and sleepin at my house day
-go back, turn around , go the other way competition.(made up pump up the jams dance)
-syracuse power regional
-junior banquet
-compaige comp
-boston comp(henry johnson)
-hurt feelings
i didnt do much in march lol
-dayton ohio(one of the best times of my life)
-dad paint my room!(only took 2 years)
-bugged karen at friendlys all the time
-nyssma 91 lmao
-wildwood 4th and 6th place lol
-missing the best ppl who obviously was the only good thing in the first 5 months of 2005. sat mat 05 u guys were deff the best thing thath appened to me this year! love u and miss u
-going to the city for erins birthday!
-USSBA honor band <3 great times with robb meg justin dan katie meg tyann mike nick(human knot)
-finding out our music was "in the beginning"
- the best day of my life... THE END of 11th grade (worst school year ever)
-re-auditioning for wind ensemble and getting in again lol
-regents exams ugh
-through all the stress actually excepting the thing around me and learning to love my life again(this was may and june)
-finally acutally realyl liking someone.
-getting job at coldstone
-hanging with paul
-the bob robb debbie drives to random places day!
-sat mat splish splash reunion
-first time at toast
-first time getting buzzed
-shea staduim(seeing andy again <3)
-4th of july yo (hot tub!)
-realized what iwant/need in a guy
-band camp
-drivers ed(thank god thats over with)
-patty goes to the hospital
-got captain!
-stevens party(broken tables,skinny dippin lol)
-fallin for brendan aw i miss him
-meeting jamie
-bernie bubbles : (
-mall with coldstone jon miss him too
-sat mat party!
-lol went to the beach with steve and had so much fun and then got drunka nd then got caught lol whoops
-losing my best friend : ( basically (it would happen in progress. this was just the snapping pt)
-my birthhday and all the god dam birthday wishes i got!
-dorney park (operation attach arnold to flo)
-ocean city bitches!
-5 day eat out week
-18 bday humps by bob!
-debbie paul aug 16th tradition (not reallya tradition but ok)
-sweet charity
-skool starts(best schedule and one of the best years so far)
-passed my road test
-applebees after east north game. so much fun!
-first marhcing band comp 73.2
-pasta party
-italian fest in kings park
-alot of mb comps where we came in first
-mb competitions
-coming in first in syracuse
-sat mat open house
-bobs bday
-visiting and loving towson
-talkin to chrissy chris and nilus alot more around this time <3
-quit coldstone
-ben folds... which got canceled
-seeing rent with chris timmy and chrissy!
-getting a job at limited 2
-sat mat starts up
-thanksgiving and being on tv
-dana and steves birthday
-got a car
-rain rain rain
-3 hour wait at fondue
-baileys bday
applying to colleges ugh...
-seeing rent 4 times in movies
and dec
-money and gift stressing
-mall shopping with robb
-in school and night concerts
-cutting chorus with lanita and nicole m
-pit starts up for into the woods
-getting accepted to msmc
-secret pals
-the burp heard around the world (in asl lmao)
-tuba fuckin christmas!
-actually having agood christmas and christmas eve
-gingerbread 2005 <3
-winter i believe camp 06
-robb comes back to sat mat
-RENT! for the 4th time on broadway
-workin at limited 2
-becoming friends with phil again
-realizing no matter how long u are apart from ur best friends u can always count on them to be there whenever u need them and for everything to remain the same
so these are my GOOD memories for 2005. this actually makes my year look pretty darn good. which most of it was but there was alot of things that werent so great that i learned from. and all the good thingsi cherish and keep in my heart. ok goodbye 2005 here comes 2006! last samt mat season,no marching band, college,graduation. theres alot to take in here. i hope im ready!