(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 13:07

0ne m0re p0st...

t0day i went t0 the dentist... i have t0 get braces.. im thinking invisaline.... but i still have a baby t0oth s0 umm yea... they have t0 pull it and dig and pull up my permanent t0oth... 0utch that will hurt.. and the best part is they get t0 d0 it aug. 5.... at 10:30 in the m0rning 0o i feel l0ved... i have t0 get up s0 early.. well anyways after that we ate at dixies delie....well... my grandm0ther t0ld me that i might get lazer sugerary..umm h0w ever y0u spell it... t0 get rid 0f my freckles... yay... and it is 0nly 250.. i can't wait but idk if were g0ing t0 d0 it... b/c i have t0 get braces and all and we d0n't kn0w if we are g0ing t0 be able t0 aff0rd it... s0 what d0 y0u think 0f t0ni with 0ut freckles...h0t 0r n0t... let me kn0w...
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