Oct 19, 2004 03:45
ErrantStarr: and like i have this THE RING poster, right?
ErrantStarr: well today i noticed that it had NO pushpins in it and yet it was still stuck to the wall and i was like weird
ErrantStarr: so i started pulling it off the wall
ErrantStarr: only it wouldnt come off
ErrantStarr: like it was stuck to the wall
ErrantStarr: and i was like huh
ErrantStarr: and i finally got it all off, but half the paper somehow got stuck to the wall
ErrantStarr: and like there's these marks on the wall where the poster was
ErrantStarr: it was like growing into the wall
ErrantStarr: it was really freaky bc i have another poster up RIGHT NEXT TO IT so if it was something environmental, that poster should do it too, but it hasnt
I made Aaron throw it out. It was too odd.