Update From Tennessee

May 23, 2013 13:17

Hello all, hope life is treating you well.

Things are good here today. Yesterday I had to take my sweet sidekick, RedDog to the Vet. He was so sick. He was lethargic, had a very very high fever and just no energy or appetite, so he was dehydrated. I called today to check on him and asked of I could drop by and see and hold him. They said it would be fine. They had to detach the tube from his IV (they're replenishing his fluids) and when they brought him into the room he was wearing the infamous CONE OF SHAME because he had been trying to get at the tape that was holding the IV needle securely in his leg. He's a sneaky one, my Red.
The Vet Tech was so sweet to remove the cone so I could snuggle-hug my furry baby boy. He looked so good, that I am now floating with joy and no more fear he will die.
Red is a favorite of the staff at our animal hospital, and they were so sweet to me today. (I walked in cryng and left the same way, but it had tured to tears of joy.) When I got home I called our florist and ordered a large vase of flowers to be delivered to thank the front desk ladies for always being so sweet to us and to our dogs, and for making Red a favorite at Eads Animal Hospital.

In other news, our garden is looking good. It's strawberry season and our teeny tiny strawberry patch is already producing fruit that is so sweet. I think we need a larger patch of the garden dedicated to this wonderful Spring fruit. The new fruit trees (apples, pears, and figs) are filling with blossoms, there are aleady baby blueberries on the blueberry bushes, and small flowers on the raspberries. And my bottle trees are trying hard to stop falling over. (will try to add a photo of them)

My sons are doing well, Adam and his fiance's business continues to grow, and Dan is enjoying his Clinical Rotations at the hospital and studying for more exams.

spring update.

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