Well, it's been a while since I've given a real update. So here goes nothing.
Me and Tosha broke up. But everything is fine, we're closer than we were before, and we're just friends. I really like it that way. I mean, I think of her as one of my best friends now, and there are very few people out there who understand me as well as she does. We
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I think thats by far the best entry you have ever posted.. First of all i want to tell you Im proud of you for fianlly realizing these things you have talked about and about pleasing your self and making your self happy. I knew eventually you would figure that out just like i did.. Just takes us a little longer cuz we are stubborn i guess. Im glad we are friends and im glad i understand you it just works out good that way i suppose. I am sorry u have to go to the dr and have all that done but it will be ok. Im also glad you got a job that is cool hopefully it will stay okay and you wont get tired of it or anything. I agree that you have changed alot since the first time I met you and now in the present but that is a good thing and I know you will continue to change and grow into the man that you want and can be. SO just keep up the good work and dont let anyone or anything slow you down. Make goals and accomplish them for yourself first of all then everyone else second. Id go on but i have to get ready for class. I hope your day goes well. Good Luck @ the Dr.
<3 natashia
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