Who is like God [3/20]

Jun 03, 2014 22:05

Title: Who is like God [3/20]
Author: dsha2127
Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby, Mihcael.
Rating: G
Total word count: 43,440.

Summary: God!Chuck finally returned to Heaven to help the angels just after the boys convinced Cas to stop his deal with Crowley. And at the same time he asks the Winchesters to take care of his oldest sons, the archangels, who don't remember any of what they've done to the brothers. Now Dean has an archangel kid to babysit.

Author’s Notes: Complete. Mostly Gen

"The archangel Michael" Dean said not giving him time to think. He turned his surprised gaze to the kid sleeping in his brother's lap with one hand grabbing tightly the shirt of Dean. That kid was really the archangel?! The same who tried to use Dean as a meat suit and because of his denying he used his step-brother, Adam, instead? He didn't knew him but he was Dad's son. He was family.

"And you are okay with this? After all he did?" He felt his heart pounding faster, betrayal and rage coiling in his veins. He realized of the words human!Michael said. Dean and his father make some kind of deal. A deal with God? "You didn't make a deal, did you?"

"Uh, no. He asked me favor."

"God? Our Father? A favor from a human? Yeah, right." Balthazar rolled his eyes taking a sip from his glass. "What else? Did He also ask you to be Jesus junior?"

"What it had to be Dean with Jesus?" Castiel tilted his head and looking at Dean with some kind of curious face said. "What did you talk with Father?"

"Y'know... Stuff. He told me why humans are on earth and..." Dean seemed a little nervous, avoiding looking to the angels. That was odd considering the stare contests he used to had with Cass. "Anyways, he would be busy reviving angels and teach them how not to be dicks, some of free will, emotions and that." He took a deep breath before adding. "The archangels would be the ones to take care of the other angels and creation after Big-Daddy retirement... So they would need to learn faster all that stuff and what better way of doing it than turn them in humans, the fast and hard way" Dean snorted at the end, his head hanging of the chair and didn't seem to notice how every time Michael moved he would start rubbing his back again, like it were something he did dozens of times. And he probably did it... to him. "They wouldn't remember anything in the beginning but eventually their memories will came and the Honcho asked me if we could take care of them for a while and believe me, it's very difficult to refuse Him something when He's making you compliments."

"You said 'they' but there is only Michael here" Castiel said taking a step closer to where Dean was; and while inspecting the child he added: "Also, when his grace will be returned?"

"He said, and I quote: 'They will come to you in the same order they came to me', so it seems the number will be growing and if I remember well the order, the next is Lucifer." Dean looked at Bobby with what seemed an apologetic face. "Sorry for not asking you first, it would be just a couple days. I think we can buy a house with that credit card."

"Son, this is your home too, yours and Sam's. You're a damn idjt if you think I would let you two alone with this, it's better be close to you so you don't do something stupid... again"

"Thanks Bobby" Sam knew since long time ago that even if they were Dad's soldiers living around in creepy motel rooms hunting, he and Dean will always have a home here with Bobby.

"Ok, don t want to interrupt the Hallmark moment, but we don't have much time and now I'm curious. When they will have their grace returned?" Dean shrugged. "Dunno, He said He will know when they were ready. And why are you here, anyways?"

"I came to see your monkey faces when you Boys hear the news, but now I know some good gossip." He winked. "And we are also waiting to our turn to know where we are going to be reassigned."

"Reassigned? What do you mean?" Do this mean that angels will be soldiers again?

"Well, big boy, there was an announcement a while back and I think you can image who was the one giving it "

"I notice the grace of my dead brothers again thanks of 'radio angel', as you call it. And I heard Balthazar trying to contact me and I went to where he was immediately" Castiel said looking at the second angel. "He cut himself from Heaven, but had some contacts in there, I just heard some whispers and needed confirmation ". about what was happening."

"Confirmation?" Dean asked while eating pancakes.

"Did your mom let you fall from your crib when you where a baby? Maybe you don't remember this, but I stole some things from the armor and little Cassie here killed lots of our brothers and also Raphael recently. He s not in the top 10 of the more beloved brother"

""Wait. Raphael is already dead? Why didn t you tell us that? """"00" Dean asked.

" I was weak and even with the objects Balthazar stole I couldn t heal myself quickly and then God gave an announcement, sorry for being late" Cass said with a harsh tone. Trying to light the mood Sam tried to change the topic.

"So... What said God in that announcement? And how did you know it was from God?"

"We were created by Him, we know how his grace feels" Cass said

"Well, He first apologized with us for His absence and said that our questions will be answered. One by one He will speak with us to do that explaining thing" Balthazar said waving his hand with every sentence. "And let me tell you something, Boys. We are no a few... We are a lot and even more now that all angels are resurrected. He first started speaking with The Council and now He is talking with the seraphs"

"We have no permition to kill each other and all of us can return to Heaven, because when God makes an announcement all angels return home to hear it."

"Lucky for you He gave those orders, a lot of angels are pissed with you,"

Dean glared at Balthazar and said. "So why are you here then? Already broking the laws guys?"

"It's not a law is a sign of respect to wait in Heaven until His word is finished, well that and we also like to feel the presence of Dad, it's been a while since the last time we felt Heaven like this, you know" Dean seemed a little uncomfortable with something and he just glared to his plate like there was something important there with Michael's head on his neck. He knew really well his brother and knew when something wasn't right, but if that sturbborn didn't want to talk about it, Sam will have to wait until he were ready to talk. Balthazar doesn't seem to notice this because he continued talking.

"But just now He said it was no necessary for us to be waiting on the garden if we don't want. We all have our own heaven, so most angels went there. Cass wanted to tell you guys the big news and I tag along."

"How long you were there?" If he remembered correctly they saw Cass long time ago.

"In human time it's been a week" Cass said

"Human time? Now that you said it, we never asked you the time difference between heaven and earth."

"Well, as you must know in Hell the time prolongs, in Heaven is the same but the gap is not so much, a week on earth is like a month in heaven or do you want the exact difference with all and formula?"

"It's fine with me just knowing that" Dean said. "If you want to go all nerdy, please go to other place"

Balthazar seemed off like he was hearing something for a few seconds, then he said. "Well, it seems my time has come. But first." In a second a tactile phone appeared from nowhere on his hand, taking a picture to a surprised Dean with a sleeping Michael in his lap, he added. "This will come handy sometime." The second those words let his mouth his wings were already at his maximum extend making gasp the humans in the room, it was like he was preparing for a flight (What he was surely doing), it was breathtaking, but in a blink he was gone.

"That was..." I couldn't think of a word to describe how I felt, but I do notice that the warm emanating from him was now gone.

"Awesome. That's the word you're looking for, Sammy."

"Don't think I'm not still mad at you, Dean" Sam said looking at the hand that was still rubbing the ki... Ex-archangel back. He noticed how Dean turned self-conscious, getting Michael in another position, avoiding Sam's glare he said. "Uh, I think it'll be better if I take him to one of the spare rooms... Bobby?" Both hunters look turned to the elder's one, who with a deep sigh stand up, bottle in hand and said: "Come on, boy. That bed won't arrange' itself and better be preparing some better explain after you finish with that." He took some blankets of the closet and head upstairs, Dean walking behind with the kid in his arms. Castiel was taking the plates and putting them in the sink.

"Are you okay with this, Cass?"

"I'm curious of what Father told Dean, but I do notice how he didn't want to talk about it. I don't know if it was because of Balthazar or not, but I want to know what he has to said. If it is no problem with you Sam I want to stay for a while" He looked directly at him and he didn't understand how Dean could stare at him without turn away.

"Of course Cass, you're also family."

"The dishes are cleaned. Is there something I can help with in the meantime?"

Sam sighed; this was going to be an exhausting day.

creature: angels, character: dean winchester, character: castiel, angels, character: michael, character: balthazar, spn, character: sam winchester, archangels, fandom: supernatural, who is like god, character: bobby

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