i had a really good weekend. jeff, rachel, becky and i went to la carreta on friday and then boozed it up back at jeff's whilst continuing the great rewatch of lost. we've been fiending for it since it's been off the air and not starting again until february and rachel is watching it from the beginning which is fun. started recovering saturday morning with becky before she went back to chicago by going to bob evans for coffee and french toast. met up with jeff, rachel and brandon later to go to smartbar for kaskade. he was killing it when we arrived which was after 1 but then he inexplicably lost steam. thankfully another dj picked up his slack and got it rolling again. we took a bunch of drunken pictures which are available on my
flickr page. sunday, i slept in and then took some polaroids to round out my submission to
five to nine magazine. peter, the guy who runs it, found me on flickr and liked what i was doing and asked me to contribute. i'm told i will have some or all of the seven i submitted in the next issue. later, jeff, brandon and i watched THX-1138 which brandon and i had not seen in years and which jeff had never seen. this was a digitally remastered version with extra cg goodies like crowds and creatures. even more beautiful.
in other news, jeff, brandon and i are going to denver from october 11th to the 14th. we just booked our flight and reserved a car. thanks to my continued patronage to southwest airlines and being a member of their rapid rewards program, i was awarded a free round trip to just about everywhere they fly so my flight cost a total of $5! hot snaps! definitely looking forward, even if it snows. if you are in or from denver or know someone who is, get in contact with me as we're looking for things to do. we did some preliminary research on some clubs downtown that all sound pretty good but that and brandon's shining recommendation about the city (he just got back from a business trip there) are currently all we're going on.