My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat HaulDSenseItTized goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Jesus Christ Superstar.
aira_draven gives you 7 pink tropical-flavoured gummy bats.
dabbledoo gives you 10 green cola-flavoured gumdrops.
hereandiexhale gives you 15 light yellow root beer-flavoured gummy bats.
im_facing_up gives you 5 mottled green grape-flavoured nuggets.
injected_vomit tricks you! You lose 17 pieces of candy!
james_bondage_x gives you 11 softly glowing banana-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
stonerbitch_13 gives you 10 orange grape-flavoured nuggets.
t7g gives you 13 dark green cinnamon-flavoured nuggets.
wordsofadvice tricks you! You lose 6 pieces of candy!
z_adellic gives you 17 light yellow apple-flavoured gummy worms.DSenseItTized ends up with 65 pieces of candy.Another fun meme brought to you by