May 09, 2006 23:11
I was thinking of getting a job at a gas station, I'd work the night shift because I hear you get paid more, and money seems to be everything now a day. I also hear that the reason you get paided more is because you are more likey to get robbed. When I think about this three thoughts go into my mind.
1. I think I would take the chance for working a dead night at the gas station rather than the busy day.
2. If in the odd case I did get robbed I think, infact I know I would try and be the cool cashier that would be like "Hey, this is my first time getting robbed, do you think you could do me a favour? Yeah I just wanted my first time to be held up with the actual gun. Thanks that is so cool."
3. I would always carry around a note in my pocket that read: Hey thanks for the first robbery of my life, and thanks for not shooting me. In gratetude I will give you 5 minutes before I call the cops. The gas staion guy.
Yes I am aware that this sounds stupid.
I rented X-men legends 2 yesterday and is it just me or is wolverine and magneto the greatest mutants ever? Like as team they would f'ing sweet. They could kick batman and robin's ass in seconds. Magneto could throw wolverine and wolverine would have his claws out and stab batman and robin right in the eyes...Crazy!
Ok random thought...but how awesome is you can post stuff you know about. To be that could be the best use of the internet, alot better than the main use of the internet now. The internet was mainly used for the army but has now falled to the world of porn. That's right the main use of the internet is porn, you would think it to be something else but no. Wrong!