That night, it was Nino's duty to make
sure the Ohmiya kids sleep early..
gifspam parts/links:
Part 1: What started out as friendship... Part 2: Oh that pair so scandalous! Part 3: Push it, push it real good! Part 4: The moment I saw you cry. Part 5: Budgeting an Ohmiya family. Part 6: Somewhere, beyond the sea...
Because the next day, Nino goes to work again..
Nino wakes up Ohno to remind him of the kids!
After a while, Nino came home and Nino was only
greeted by his kid and no Ohno around?
Putting aside the fact that Ohno
left the kids unattended!!!...
Nino took care of the Ohmiya chibis alone:
give them his full attention, talking to them,
and asking what they want/need!
Like if the Ohmiya chibi wants to go up,
then GO UP, and that's when Nino discovered...
Discovered that it was a poop emergency!
Nino recalled how Ohno used to be his
emergency hotline during these situations...
Missing him too much... Nino was distracted to
notice what the Ohmiya chibis want because
he was too busy trying to contact Ohno!
*It's so cute with the kids holding on
to Neen's hamburger hands!!!*
Like I said, you have to give your kid 100% attention!
Nino: Do you want to go to the park?
Ohmiya chibi: *no*nods*
*Really, which one is it?* :)
And to make up for Nino's early distraction, the
Ohmiya chibis & Nino decided to play in the park!
After that, Nino came up with the decision to ask a
family friend to babysit for the Ohmiya kids while
Nino searched for Ohno's whereabouts!
Ohmiya chibis: Itterashai! >>> KAWAII!
Fast Ohmiya household fact:
Sometimes Ohmiya really asks someone to babysit
the Ohmiya kids when they're too "busy at work"!
*Yeah right, busy like Nino's hand shamelessly on Ohno's waist?!*
Going back, Nino bade goodbye to the Ohmiya
kids and to the babysitter for a while!
Nino rode on his bike towards where he
thinks Ohno would most likely be!
And Nino's instinct was right,
Ohno was too absorbed with his fishing!
Finally, Nino arrived in the beach...
...but there were no signs of Ohno!
Nino waited for Ohno under a tree and while waiting,
he saw Ohno's pic and missed him more! Awww~
*waiting patiently still*
Good things happen to those who wait...
After Nino being covered by dry leaves under the tree,
(waiting too long Neen?)
Nino finally spots Ohno!!!
Oh, you didn't spot that small squishy in the
big wide ocean?! Sure, let's give a close-up!
And now he's waving energetically!!!
Nino's so happy to see Ohno that he
decided to do a failed backflip! Yey!
Nino persuaded (not force) Ohno to
go home to their Ohmiya kids!
Nino: Oh-chan, I missed you.. Let's go home ok?
Ohno: *smiles and blushes*
Now to conclude this long post:
Papa Kazu and Papa Satoshi are irresistably cute!
That's why the chibis love them! *Chu*
Oh, before I forget... Ohmiya didn't have an
"I miss you hug" but more like "I miss you cuddle"!
And to really really FINALLY end this post:
Who loves Ohno's grasshair?! :)
(Because it's certainly not a bedhair right?)
*raises hands*raises hands*raises hands*