First off, Happy Birthday to a dear friend
nonickyet. Sorry Maggie that I didn't get around to sending you a snail mail card this year.
Let's see, I have a new power supply for my main computer. It's been sitting here waiting to be installed. I haven't gotten around to it yet. I am just so damn beat I can't be bothered. Maybe in a few days I'll do it, maybe not. It all depends on how tired I am. I miss my main machine, it has all my email addresses and bookmarks on it and lj birthdays too. When I got this machine up and running so I could access the net, I was lost without my bookmarks. Hell on this machine, which only has 128 megs of ram, I can't do more than one thing at a time. Mutlitaking just doesn't work. I keep running out of memory.
While checking my email a couple of nights a ago I almost missed something from an old friend which was buried in a ton of spam. I know you are reading this, yes sweetie, I want to catch up. It's been too long and we have to stop falling out of touch with each other.
Only a few more weeks of the long hours.
My yearly tan, once more, I have barely been in the sun. My never ending battle to get a tan is always a failure. One good point is, I don't need to worry about skin cancer. LMAO
After our heatwave a couple of weeks ago, it was nice to get cooler tempteratures. Two days ago it was a nice 70 degrees, but the humidity had to be the worse of the year.
Anyway, I should get going. I see I have a ton of LJ comments in email to catch up on.
Have a good day and I'll be back in full real soon.