
Jul 11, 2013 22:02

So, I'm rather late, but I've just discovered the joy of Pinterest! XP

I know, I know, I really am late about all this. I've heard about it - and even took a glimpse of it - a long while back, but it didn't seem to appeal to me then. I guess I didn't give it the credit it was due back then - perhaps for lack of time to really take a proper look? In any case, I'm now thinking of giving it a shot! After all, I realize it's the perfect thing to use for - as one reviewer stated - my eye candies. -laughs-

This really does have its advantages, when I think about it. I've always loved saving (and printing, when I was younger and didn't have my own laptop yet XP) pictures of things I like - usually anime and the like. My preferences for said pictures have slowly begun to expand as of late, going on to Disney, interesting art, celebrities - okay, actually, just Emma Watson at this point XDD - interior design, and fashion. That list will just keep growing, I'm sure. So, that in mind, I suppose it helps a lot to have an online place to collect and organize these eye candies of mine, because frankly, I'm probably just taking up space in my hard drive. XDD

I haven't really started actually using it - probably 'coz it's late, and I really should be sleeping now, especially as I have a test tomorrow, which I have yet to cram for. XDD But, rest assured, I'll definitely be getting into it in the next few days, most probably as early as tomorrow. XP I'm quite excited, to be honest. (Let's see how long it actually takes me to go to sleep, at this rate. XDD)

Are you guys ready for it? ;)

Queza De Santi

P.S. Oh, feel free to add me if you'd like:

art:appreciation, plug:site

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