5 Days Late

Oct 02, 2010 18:29

Finally~ A bit of a break enough to answer the days I've been missing. I think it was five days, but I can't be sure. Oh well. XP

Finished Entries
Day #1: Your Favorite Character
Day #2: Your Favorite Princess
Day #3: Your Favorite Heroine
Day #4: Your Favorite Prince

Day #5: Your Favorite Hero

Today's Entries
Day #6: Your Favorite Animal

Oh! You meant in Disney? XDD Haha, as a character, I'd say...

Actually, there are so many animals to choose from! And I can't really think of any single one that immediately comes to mind. Um, um... oh! Oh, I know!

©Unknown, @Totally Pimped Out

HEFFALUMP~, from The Winnie the Pooh: The Heffalump Movie. :D

In all honesty, I haven't watched the movie, but! Haha, well, ever since I first heard the term, I've loved "Heffalumps". ;) SO... I guess I should go watch the movie? XP

Day #7: Your Favorite Sidekick
Well, technically, they're three...

©Disney @Photobucket

Because they're funny, friendly, and they've got their hearts in the right place despite all the mishaps and mischief that seem to follow them. ;) But, to be fair, it isn't completely their fault all the time. :D

And because I absolutely love this icon of them I found...

©Cool Cat 42, @Photobucket

Now that is a manly sidekick, yes? XDD

Day #8: Your Favorite Villain
YZMA!, from The Emperor's New Groove!

©Kusnitanghandles, @Photobucket

Because, she's amusingly evil, especially scary when she's trying to be sexy (LOL!) AND...

©Unknown, @Wikia (?)

Impossibly CUTE as an evil kitty~ XDD

And, icon taken from royalbk~

Day #9: Your Favorite Original Character (i.e. Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, etc.)

©Unknown, @Reason.com

Mickey Mouse!

Of course! I believe the reasoning is pretty obvious, isn't it? ;)

Day #10: Your Favorite Song

image Click to view

Where the Dream Takes You by Mya, from Atlantis! ;)

No, I didn't pick this song because of the show, honest I didn't! XP In any case, I actually found this song rather late, only sometime this year, a few months ago maybe? But, when I heard it, I just had to download it!

One of the things I look for in songs, besides the tune, is the lyrics. And, I've found that one of the things that helps me when I'm feeling down are "inspirational" songs - these are songs with lyrics that have an uplifting message or the like. I've got a playlist of songs in my iTunes which I play whenever I need to keep on track. This song is definitely one of them! ;)

I think it's a beautiful song, and if it isn't the favorite Disney song, it's one of the tops, that's for sure! <3

And... The Rest of the Meme~
Day #11: Your Favorite Love Song
Day #12: Your Favorite Villain Song
Day #13: Your Least Favorite Song
Day #14: Your Favorite Kiss
Day #15: The First Movie You Saw
Day #16: Your Favorite Classic
Day #17: Your Least Favorite Classic
Day #18: Your Favorite Pixar Film
Day #19: Your Least Favorite Pixar Film
Day #20: Favorite Sequel
Day #21: An Overrated Movie
Day #22: An Underrated Movie
Day #23: A Movie That Makes You Laugh
Day #24: A Movie That Makes You Cry
Day #25: Your Favorite Scene From Your Favorite Movie
Day #26: Saddest Death
Day #27: Your Favorite Quote
Day #28: Your Favorite Theme Park
Day #29: Your Favorite Theme Attraction Series
Day #30: Your Favorite Theme Park Show

Yay~ I've finally finished... catching up! Haha, well, that sure took up a lot more time than expected. Oh noes! Work~ >.< Haha, guess it's back to school work for me. C'mon, just a bit more to gooo~ ;)

Kihana Dulay
Beauty blooms in ethnic hollows.

meme, disney

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