Week 48 23rd - 30th November 2010

Nov 30, 2010 22:15

Here is this weeks digest. All links are LJ unless otherwise stated. Anything to add or correct please comment below. Crossposted to LJ, IJ and DW.

Community News:

ds_kinkmeme Meme Two can be found Here.The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious Here.
There's also a kink meme duesouth_kink over on DW. Meme one can be found here Here (DW link). The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious Here.

due South guest star Leslie Nielsen died this week.
is there any interest Leslie Nielsen Memorial Buck Frobisher Thing-athon?
akamine_chan has upated the Delicious links for crack_van here.

Week 31 - dS Rewatch Reaction Post - "Mountie Sings the Blues" and "Good for the Soul" can be found Here - DW link
There's a rewatch poll here on LJ and here on DW

looking for a beta for a Kowalski/Turnbull fic


ds_flashfiction are continuing The Genre Challenge 2010.
ds_snippets have wrapped up Challenge 189
ds_snippets have begun Challenge 190 - Amnesty
ds_c6d_bigbang is back. info post and sign-ups


The latest ds_zombies updates: ...diverted..., ...flu..., ...hole..., ...radio..., ...love..., ...sacrifice..., ...joke....
slwatson wrote New Year (Turnbull, G)
slwatson & kalijean wrote Dance (Turnbull/Vecchio, Thatcher, Huey, R)
wintercreek wrote You feel like breathing - DW link AO3 link (Fraser/Thatcher, PG)
wintercreek wrote it's a beautiful night - DW link AO3 link (Fraser/Thatcher, G)

Fanfiction from ds_snippets:

Challenge 189
mizface wrote Breathe with the Rhythm of My Life (pre-Fraser/Kowalski, G)
luzula wrote Barrier DW link (Fraser/Thatcher, PG)
exbex wrote Reality and Rumination DW link AO3 link (Thatcher)

luzula recorded "Glimpses of Fraser family history", by Luzula. Download details Here on LJ and here on DW.
magelight5 recorded "In a Castle Dark or a Fortress Strong" by geekwriter. Download details Here - DW link

Fanart/icons etc:

kalijean created 38 due South icons
love_jackianto created Dief and Turtle's Thanksgiving Off (Fraser, RayK and a surprise guest character, G)

Note ALL recs link to the rec post.
The current challenge at ds_recsredux is Warm Fuzzies.

The guest reccer at ds_recsredux is luzula. luzula recced:
Two fairly recent longer podfics

Rec requests from ds_recfinders:
Asking for crossovers with Murdoch Mysteries
Found request

The reccer for dS over at crack_van in November is exbex
exbex recced:
The Death of Raymond Vecchio and Dreams May Come by cmshaw (Kowalski, Vecchio

Requests from ds_ficfinders:
Found: The Killer Replacements by cesperanza.
Found: "Schisms" by Rushlight.
Looking for a crossover fic with Due South/Supernatural
Looking for a story based on the song "The Pirates of Saskatchewan" & a link to the ds virtual season 2
Looking for Flying Blind

week 48 2010

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