Here is this weeks digest. All links are LJ unless otherwise stated. Anything to add or correct please comment below. Crossposted to LJ, IJ and DW.
Community News:
ds_kinkmeme Meme Two can be found
Here.The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious
There's also a kink meme
duesouth_kink over on DW. Meme one can be found here
Here (DW link). The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious
Week 27 - dS Rewatch Reaction Post - "Mountie on the Bounty, parts 1 and 2 " can be found
Here - DW link
The Volunteer Call to help
cheerlead and/or beta for Due South Seekrit Santa 2010 is up.
ds_flashfiction are continuing
The Genre Challenge 2010.
ds_snippets have wrapped up
Challenge 185 ds_snippets have begun
Challenge 186 The current challenge at
ds_contest is
Challenge 040: Alternate Universes and the winners for Challenge 39 can be found
nakeisha wrote
To Have And To Hold (Fraser/Vecchio, PG)
luzula wrote
The Advantages of a Roof Over One's Head DW link(Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17)
slwatson wrote
Arrow (Past Fraser/Kowalski, Turnbull/Vecchio, PG)
kalijean wrote
Bothering Meg (Turnbull, Thatcher, G)
lucifuge_5 wrote
Topsy-Turvy (Fraser/Kowalski, PG-13)
kalijean wrote
Cinis (Ray Vecchio, PG-13)
slwatson wrote
Crossed Consolation (Turnbull, G)
kalijean wrote
Kicking The Line (Fraser/Kowalski, PG-13)
kassy_syd wrote
Everything's Rising- part 2 (Due South/The Sentinel (Crossover), Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, Blair/Jim, NC-17 - not this chapter)
Fanart/icons etc:
love_jackianto created
Dief and Turtle's Day Off: Halloween Party (Dief, Turtle, Fraser, RayK, Frannie and Turnbull, G)
Note ALL recs link to the rec post.
The current challenge at
ds_recsredux is
Unusual Formats.
Rec requests from
Asking for
Fraser/RayK pairing, but I would really like there to be some RayK/RayV friendship as well... recs (F/K preference)
Asking for
stories that explore the the Fraser-Frannie-Kowalski dynamic recs (Gen or F/K preference)
The reccer for dS over at
crack_van in November is
exbexexbex recced:
Walking Forward Back to You by prudence_dearly (Fraser/Kowalski)
Requests from
Found: Parity by Berty Anyone know what happened to TAE's fic? Found: Mechanic at Stony Creek by Shedoc. Looking for Fraser is hurt and RayK takes him back to his apartment. He gives Fraser a heating pad for his back.