Here is this weeks digest. All links are LJ unless otherwise stated. Anything to add or correct please comment below. Crossposted to LJ, IJ and DW.
Community News:
ds_kinkmeme Meme Two can be found
Here.The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious
The profile over at
ds_profiles is
The Hoyden.
due South Seekrit Santa registration now open!. Signups close at 11:45pm CDT on October 11th.
Week 23 - dS Rewatch Reaction Post - "Mountie and Soul" can be found
Week 23 - dS Rewatch Reaction Post - "Strange Bedfellows" can be found
ds_flashfiction are continuing
The Running Challengeds_snippets have wrapped up
Challenge 181 ds_snippets are continuing
Challenge 182 Fanfiction:
slwatson wrote
Maintain (Turnbull, PG)
kalijean wrote
Turtle (Welsh, Vecchio, and Kowalski's turtle, G)
slwatson and
kalijean wrote
Three States Part 1,
part 2,
part 3,
Part 4,
Part 5 (Turnbull/Vecchio (pre-slash), PG-13)
kalijean wrote
Reflections (Turnbull/Vecchio (pre-slash), appearances by Thatcher, G)
luzula wrote
Open the World (Martha Fraser gen, with Martha/George and female friendship, PG-13)
hsavinien wrote
All My Senses (Fraser/Kowalski, R)
Fanfiction from
Challenge 181
spuffyduds wrote
Fitting In (Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, R)
Fanart/icons etc:
love_jackianto created
Pizza and Nightmares (or the obligatory Deif and Turtle Human AU). (Fanart) (G)
Note ALL recs link to the rec post.
The current challenge at
ds_recsredux is
The reccer for dS over at
crack_van in September was
pinkpapyruspinkpapyrus recced:
After the Nile by joandarck (Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17)
Again, This Time by dessertfirst (Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17)
Requests from
Found: Deep Cover by Kijikun Found: The Due South Reunion Movie, Part I, by shayheyred Mya have been F/K/V Fraser and both Rays are undercover in a men's orchestra. Looking for RayK can understand Dief? Found: Whitehorse Holiday by isiscolo