Team Reality sign-up post

Jul 09, 2008 12:00

Signing up for Team Reality:

Part of the joy of Due South is that despite the wacky hijinx, it always maintains, at its heart, a very real emotional truth--we aren't these guys, but we could be, on our best days, on our worst days. And what better way to celebrate that crunchy core of humanity and potential than to keep our feet firmly on the ground with some reality-based stories?

The grit of the city. The workaday world of a Chicago cop, pounding the pavement and maybe even pounding some skulls. Mr. Super-Mountie putting his pumpkin pants on one leg at a time. Mr. Super-Mountie being slightly less-than-sanguine about the sudden appearances of his dead father. But reality isn't all sweat and grease stains, either: it's also your favorite song coming on the radio at exactly the right time to lift your mood, or your partner knowing how you take your coffee, or a victory that you know damn well you earned. It's your first kiss with your best friend, or the door slamming behind him. It's what you know, it's where you've been, it's where you want to go next.

That's Team Reality.

Feel like digging in to a story like that? Wonderful! Read on...

nos4a2no9 is your team captain and there are 13 places open. Positions are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and you can sign up yourself and only one other person. If you are signing someone else up, please do so in a SEPARATE comment. ALL writers must have written a fic of at least 1000 words (in any fandom) to be eligible to sign up.

We will mark the cut-off point in the comments when the team is full. We invite anyone who would like to join the team as an alternate/in order to write backup fic to please comment on the Backup Writer Signup Post, which will go live at 1 pm at ds_flashfiction.

All set? All right! To join Team Reality, please comment below with your LJ name and email address. Thank you!! :D

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