Title: Like a Horse and Carriage
Author: Aingeal
Genre/Pairing: slash, Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: PG
Quote: I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. (Much Ado About Nothing, (IV, i)
Summary:When Ray's mother catches he and Fraser in bed together what will her reaction be?
Notes: This is another fic the fic I didn't intend to have for this quote but these things happen. Thanks to
lozenger8 for beta. This is not a serious fic, it's a bit of fun really. It's also my last fic for this challenge.
Like a Horse and Carriage
“Ray… are…you sure…we should…be doing this?” Fraser asked between kisses.
“It’s my house, Benny,” Ray replied, trying to get Fraser’s shirt off. I should be able to do what I want.
“But if your…” Fraser paused Ray distracted him with another kiss. “Mother should come in, what is she going to think?”
“Relax, this is my room. Ma never comes in here. Besides, she’s visiting Tony’s mother, she won’t be back for hours.”
Fraser wasn’t convinced by Ray’s words, but at that point Ray removed his shirt and the things that Ray was doing to his bare skin meant that he was no longer in a position to really protest. Instead, he decided turnabout was fair play and un-looped Ray’s belt as he began to undo Ray’s trousers.
Fraser calculated they had been asleep for approximately two hours when he finally managed to throw of the last vestiges of sex induced sleep only to find that he and Ray weren’t alone in his room. Ray’s mother stood at the foot of the bed, her face was shocked and angry. Fraser feared the worst as he nudged Ray to wake up.
“Benny, I’m not ready for round two yet.”
“I should hope you’re not, Raimundo Vecchio!”
The sharp sound of his mother’s voice woke Ray up better than any alarm clock could.
“Ma?! What are you doing here?
“What am I doing here? I live here.”
“But you’re in my room,” Ray said weakly.
“I knew you were home, your car is in the drive. When I couldn’t find you I was worried you were sick so I came in here to find you. Instead I find this.” She threw her arms out.
“It’s not what you think, Ma.”
“Raimundo, don’t lie to me. Have you and Benton been…making amore?”
Fraser looked at Ray and Ray shared the look back. His mother had caught them naked in his bed, whatever excuse they came up with would be futile.
“Well? You want to explain this?”
“Yeah, Ma, we….”
Fraser spoke up. “That is to say we…”
“Had sex?” she asked.
Fraser nodded and cast his eyes down the sheets uncomfortably aware of how much he was blushing. Mrs Vecchio’s voice forced him to look up.
“Benton Fraser? What are your intentions toward my son?”
“Do we have to talk about this now, Ma?” Ray asked. “We’re naked here.”
“I need to know.”
Fraser met her eyes, it was hard to do, he really wanted to hide under the sheets, but he owed her an explanation.
“My intentions toward Ray are completely honourable.” Fraser reached under the covers to find Ray’s hand and give it a quick squeeze.
“Good. Now you boys get dressed and we’ll go to the church.”
“Ma, we are not confessing our sins to a priest, we didn’t do anything wrong here.”
“Raimundo, I am not taking you to confession, I am talking you to get married.”
“Married?” Ray squeaked.
“Of course. You young people - you can never wait can you? You could have at least got married first.”
“If it’s a problem, Mrs Vecchio…” Fraser began.
“Nonsense, there will be no problem. I will make some phone calls, you wash and get dressed.”
“But I haven’t proposed yet!” Ray said.
“Then you can do that while I’m gone,” his mother replied and she shut the bedroom door behind her as she went to make her calls.
“Oh, Benny, I’m sorry about this.”
“Sorry about what?”
“About Ma forcing us to get married. If you don’t want to…
“Ray, your mother would probably resort to physical violence if we didn’t, but that doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t?”
“I meant it when I said my intentions are honourable and it would give me the greatest honour if you would marry me.”
“You’re proposing? Ray asked, eyes wide.
“Yes, Ray, I am.”
“Because of my mother?”
“Because I love you.”
“Oh. That’s… that’s great, Benny, Ray replied a smile dawning on his face.
Ray was so pleased, in fact, he kissed Fraser and with them both being naked Fraser knew which direction things would go - and quickly too.
“Ray, I think we better stop before your mother comes to check where we are.”
“Mmm, yeah, you’re right. Doesn’t mean we can’t share the shower though.”
It was a good hour before Ma Vecchio finally managed to get them both dressed and into the car. Fraser was seated in the backseat taking in the landmarks as he wondered where they were headed. Mrs Vecchio had told them that she had sorted everything, including, when Ray asked, rings and witnesses.
“Park here,” she said as she indicated Ray should turn into a parking lot.
“St Michael’s?” Ray asked. “We’re getting married at St Michael’s?”
“It’s a good church and Father Behan was very happy to have you marry here.”
“He’s Catholic.”
“And Catholic priests can’t be supporting men wanting to marry?”
“I think that’s what the Pope said,” Ray pointed out.
“Yes, although the church has softened its stance on homosexuality it is still considered a sin and even though some priests might agree with gay marriage they are forbidden from carrying it out by the Church’s official position,” Fraser added.
“Then it’s lucky Father Behan is forward thinking.”
Ray sighed as his mother got out of the car.
“Come on Raimundo, Benton, they’ll be waiting.”
“Who are they?” Ray asked.
Fraser had his suspicions as he recognised a couple of cars in the church parking lot. One had diplomatic plates and was adorned with Canadian flags. Another looked like a Chicago PD motor pool vehicle.
They went inside the church and were immediately greeted by Father Behan.
“Raymond, Fraser,” he said, shaking their hands. “Is it true you want to get married?”
Both of them nodded.
“Yes, Father, we would like you to marry us.” Fraser knew the priest was really checking it wasn’t Ray’s mother pushing them into something.
“All right, the witnesses are waiting, let’s go.”
The witnesses, as it turned out, were Inspector Thatcher, Constable Turnbull, Lieutenant Welsh, Huey, Elaine and Diefenbaker. The latter had been dropped off at Elaine’s house so Ray and Fraser could have some quality time. It hadn’t exactly turned out as intended.
“Congratulations. I hear the two of you are getting married,” Welsh said wryly.
“Yeah we are,” Ray mumbled.
“Thank you Lieutenant,” Fraser replied shaking the hand Welsh offered.
“I think it’s great,” Elaine said, giving a hug to each of them.
Diefenbaker barked.
“Interesting choice, Fraser,” Inspector Thatcher said with perhaps a touch of bitterness.
“Ray is a very logical choice,” Fraser replied.
“I know,” she said.
Fraser nodded, he felt that perhaps she did know.
Turnbull stammered out congratulations and Huey offered his. Once everyone was settled Father Behan smiled.
“Are we ready to begin?”
Having barely got time to get used to their engagement, let alone their marriage, both men nodded and answered yes.
So it was that in front of their colleagues and Ray’s mother they were married. It turned out Mrs Vecchio had arranged for Lieutenant Welsh to pick up some wedding rings. Huey became Ray’s impromptu best man with Turnbull standing in for Fraser. Elaine and Inspector Thatcher were both the ‘groomsmaids’ and Welsh seemed to have adopted the role of father of the groom.
The ceremony flew by as both men said I do. Then came the big one.
I now pronounce you husband and husband,” Father Behan smiled. “You may now kiss each other.”
Fraser hesitated for a second before shyly giving Ray a gentle kiss. Both of them were blushing, they knew that. However it seemed a bit anticlimactic as their first kiss as married men so, inevitably, it ended up being a bit more passionate as they French kissed in front of their somewhat shocked witnesses.
Turnbull cried (he always cried at weddings), Elaine seemed inordinately pleased by it, Thatcher seemed wistful and Fraser was sure Lieutenant Welsh and Huey rolled their eyes. Dief simply barked.
When the kiss was over Fraser could see Mrs Vecchio was crying. She came up to him, kissed him on each cheek and hugged him. She spoke some words in Italian that Ray later translated as being ‘welcome to the family.’
As they walked out of the church Elaine and Turnbull threw rice. Fraser identified it as being a standard supermarket brand, but he didn’t mind, the gesture was appreciated. That and the fact he realised he had a honeymoon with Ray to look forward to.
50 years later...
Fraser gently nudged Ray awake.
“Benny? What?” Ray glanced at the clock and groaned. “Benny. It’s eight AM.”
“Happy anniversary, Ray!” Fraser smiled.
“You woke me up for that?!” Ray asked. He could become endearingly grumpy in his old age.
“It’s not every day someone celebrates fifty years of marriage, Ray.”
Ray smiled. “Yeah or who’d have thought we’d still be alive in our eighties.”
“Why wouldn’t we be?”
“With all the things you’ve got us involved in over the years? It’s a miracle we made it this far.”
Fraser said nothing but gave Ray a gentle kiss. Everything had to be a little more gentle these days, their bodies had certainly weathered.
“I wish Ma was here to see this.”
“Oh, I think she knows, Ray,” Fraser said solemnly.
“Yeah, I bet she’s bugging the angels to let her come down here. I’m glad she did what she did.”
“It has meant we’ve a lot to be grateful for, Ray.”
“Are you going back to sleep, Ray?” Fraser asked as Ray closed his eyes again.
“In case you forgot, Mr Retired Mountie, you invited all our family and friends round to celebrate today. I’m going to need all the sleep I can get.”
Fraser couldn’t argue. Instead, he lay next to Ray, snuggling against him. He too felt a bit tired, happy and excited, but tired too. He knew that although Mrs Vecchio wouldn’t be at the party that afternoon, she’d be there is spirit. For somehow she had known how much Ray and he loved each other and how much that love had been capable of growing to the point where Fraser knew it would still be there forever.