Many, many thanks to china_shop for beta, hand-holding, and encouragement. Thanks also to shayheyred for setting me straight on a few important points.
CANONICAL FRIEND OF DOROTHY! omg, how AWESOME is that made text? SO AWESOME. dude, I ADORE established relationship Ray/Gardino. And how many extra points do you get for A-Team references? SO MANY EXTRA POINTS! I find it heartily disturbing that this:
The movement caused petticoats and gingham to ride up, revealing that while the lower half of his legs had been shaved completely smooth (a fact that’d made it difficult for Ray to pay attention to anything else that evening), his upper legs were obscenely hairy beneath the pantihose he had on. Make that stockings, Ray thought, as he slid his hand up Louis' silk-clad thigh, and snagged his ring on one of those elastic strap things.
is so SEXY to me. My brain, she is broken. and this!
Usually it was all insults and jokes, and daring each other to do dumb stuff. That'd led to a quick handjob in the men’s room at Kendall's, on one notorious occasion when they'd had a few too many.
that is PURE Kowalski/Gardino to me. that is JUST what their relationship is established upon.
HA! I sort of knew it almost had to be you. Dude, you are brilliant and twisted and I ADORE you, and this. *curls up happily in our tiny dirty little corner of fandom*
This was hysterical! And, in a way, really disturbingly hot. :D I love the costume party idea--I can totally see them getting drunk, getting into the guy in a dress thing, and taking the flirting just a little too far. So much fun. *g*
Wow. I'm finally getting around to reading the other fics and, omg, thank you so much for writing Kowalski/Gardino. Even if it's not for me it still feels like a wonderful present.
So very hot and great. And Gardino in a dress... yeah, I'm liking that more than I should.
And yes, once the idea of Gardino dressed as Dorothy (it's almost canon from "You Must Remember This") it just would not budge. They are weirdly hot together, aren't they!
Comments 14
The movement caused petticoats and gingham to ride up, revealing that while the lower half of his legs had been shaved completely smooth (a fact that’d made it difficult for Ray to pay attention to anything else that evening), his upper legs were obscenely hairy beneath the pantihose he had on. Make that stockings, Ray thought, as he slid his hand up Louis' silk-clad thigh, and snagged his ring on one of those elastic strap things.
is so SEXY to me. My brain, she is broken. and this!
Usually it was all insults and jokes, and daring each other to do dumb stuff. That'd led to a quick handjob in the men’s room at Kendall's, on one notorious occasion when they'd had a few too many.
that is PURE Kowalski/Gardino to me. that is JUST what their relationship is established upon.
Then Louis ( ... )
Great story!
So very hot and great. And Gardino in a dress... yeah, I'm liking that more than I should.
And yes, once the idea of Gardino dressed as Dorothy (it's almost canon from "You Must Remember This") it just would not budge. They are weirdly hot together, aren't they!
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