Title: Handcuffs
aeryePairing: Fraser/RayK
Rating: hard R
Length: 635 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: This is a fairly short ficlet set during and after Asylum, focusing on, well, see title. An extraordinarily hot story of intense horniness, and not just because it hits me right in the kink. *koff* The events of Asylum are skillfully covered in a very few brief future-tense phrases that contribute to the atmosphere that gets Fraser and Ray into bed.
...if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you without charge. Do you understand these rights?
Fraser's talking, he can hear Fraser talking, but somehow none of the words are making their way past the buzz in his head to his brain, his brain that went south with the snick of the cuffs closing around his wrists. He's looking at his hands and they looked different to him somehow, different with the steel locked securely around his wrists, and they're his hands, of course they're his hands, but jesus, they look...they look...
Handcuffs Title: Wager
brooklinegirlPairing: Fraser/RayK
Rating: NC-17
Length: 2,547 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: Here is the rest of the story of the poker game at the end of Odds. It starts with some lovely Ray and Fraser characterization -- Ray enjoying their connection, their deeper knowledge of each other -- when his understanding of that connection starts to shift and slide into another kind of connection, and then it's "must find a place to get naked now."
For all that Fraser makes out like he's Mr. Upfront-and-On-the-Level - he's not. Ray knows that much for sure because the truth is, when it comes right down to it, Fraser doesn't bluff very well. You can tell, when he goes - well, poker-faced, actually - when he draws that mask down, that something is up, something he doesn't want Ray or anyone at all to see. And hiding it takes up all his energy, every bit of it, nothing left for anything else. So suddenly it's all blank face, proper tone, big-ass words because for Fraser, that's the fallback position.
Times like this, though, it's different. It's an obvious put-on, and one he knows Ray can see past no problem. It's like Fraser's playing with Ray, and Ray's not talking about cards. It's the ignorant-Canadian front: crowded house, my ass, Ray thinks. Guy knows the whole freakin' history of poker, but all of a sudden he can't remember it's full house?
Yeah, right, Fraser.
Ray's playing his part, too, is being exasperated by the ploy, is more than willing to go along with it. Ray likes this, likes that there are things he can see about Fraser, and things Fraser can see about him, that no one else even bothers to look for.
Wager Title: Fucking Girls
pearl_oPairing: Fraser/RayK
Rating: R
Length: 1,522 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: Here is a different take on Odds, with Ray worried about Fraser in the aftermath of his encounter with Lady Shoes. In a delightful example of the unreliable narrator, Ray is convinced that Fraser is sexless and naive, and that it's up to Ray to clue him in. Meanwhile, it means nothing that Ray's imagination is painting him vivid portraits of Fraser in bed with women. Will Ray learn where his stubbornly blinkered POV has gone wrong?
The thing was, Ray decided, Fraser didn't know shit about women. And the Lady Shoes thing just made it worse. Because now Fraser thought he *did* know. Fraser probably thought that one case of bluffing made him a freaking expert, and now he could do whatever he wanted, and Fraser wouldn't even realize what *they* wanted, Fraser wouldn't even realize they were walking all over him and using him and tearing his heart out till everything was all over and he was all alone with nothing to show for it.
And okay, maybe Ray was jumping ahead a little, but he didn't think so. Just because Fraser didn't even seem to notice these girls didn't mean anything. Fraser knew more than he let on, all the time. Just because he wasn't doing anything now didn't mean he wasn't ever going to.
Fucking Girls