Title: Touch
brooklinegirlPairing: RayK/RayK's right hand
Rating: NC-17
Length: *giggles* Oh, it's big... [I'm 12! I can't help it! The fic is medium-length, though.]
Why I'm reccing this fic: Because I kind of have a thing for masturbation. Uh. In fic! I kind of have a thing for masturbation IN FIC. Right.
Fraser was a guy like any other guy. Maybe he handled things just the same as Ray did. Huh. There was a thought.
There was a thought that made his last few minutes at work real uncomfortable. There was a thought that made him shrug into his coat and make sure to button all the buttons before turning to offer Fraser a ride home.
Because yeah. That was a thought that was going to have him rearranging his schedule for the evening, putting the jerking off way before the pizza and beer plan.
Touch (Also, on an unrelated note, I completely fail at New Writers challenges. I was going to rec stuff by
justbreathe80, so go read everything she's ever written! Right now! Especially
Back up slowly inside. Oh, and
She comes here a lot.
And to the mods: I'm entirely too pretty to be yelled at for the past-challenge recs. Okay? *hugsnkisses you both to distract you*)