Title: It's Like This Old Inuvit Story I Knew
rageprufrock Pairing: F/K
Rating: PG
Why I'm reccing this fic: Because it's Bob. And Bob is trying his best to drive Ray nuts to hurry things along.
"Not unless insanity can be caused by poor nutrition," the Mountie said, shutting the door and turning back to frown at Ray. "Honestly, I don't see how I can entrust Benton to you if you can't even be trusted to feed yourself well, son."
Ray cracked open one eye and said, "Entrust Fraser?"
The Mountie rolled his eyes. "Yes, entrust him. I'm told it's something fathers do." The old man looked sentimental for a moment, murmuring dreamily, "I had hoped that I would be able to witness his wedding, and that I could meet his bride face to face." He looked at Ray importantly. "She would, of course, have good, wide hips."
It's Like This Old Inuvit Story I Knew