Okay, kittens! Final Stop Drop Rec Challenge of the week, and you know what? You are launching us into the weekend with this, so I want you to really think and give us some AWESOME FIC to settle down into this weekend. Because it is a blah March weekend and we need something to keep us warm!
So your challenge is this: give us your Very! Favorite! SEX TOY FIC.
Dildos! Butt plugs! Nipple clamps! (...is there DS nipple clamp fic? Huh.) God, Fraser's Sam Browne belt counts as a sex toy! So does his lanyard if used correctly! Handcuffs count! Strap-ons! Use your imagination! Think deep and think hard and give us your favorite sex toy story! \o/
You have until 10AM EST tomorrow morning to post your recs. Go forth and be happy!
omg, I keep asking
justbreathe80 for thoughts on these challenges, and then I just write them while I'm waiting for her email back. So just as I post something like BUTT PLUGS FTW, I get an email with a nice, wholesome suggestion like "Comfort fic!" Uhm. I find sex toys comforting? Does that count?