Title: Some Like it Both Ways.
brooklinegirlPairing: F/K
Rating: NC-17
Length: 1,600 wordsish
Why I'm Reccig This Fic: Well there's something inherently funny in such a good author writing Bad!fic, for a start. And then it's so badly written well. If you know what I mean. It's hilarious! It's got Fraser wanting a sex change spell and everything. I can't do it justice.
**This is not the Ray I know. This is a different Ray.**
Fraser found it suddenly hard to catch his breath. He held out one prim hand to the handsome, lithe Ray with the spiky hair and the leather jacket and the very hard-core motorcycle boots (though there was not a motorcycle in view). "I am Constable Benton Fraser."
Ray's attractive brow wrinkled in perplex. "Benton is a weird name for a woman."
"I am also Canadian, so that explains that." Benton was thinking fast on his feet and it seemed to be working.
Ray's brow cleared, and as it did, Benton longed to smooth his fingers over the handsome detectives brow. Standing so close to the other man in the hallway, he was finding it hard to keep his mind on the business at hand. Other things were getting hard, too, and he had to be careful, because that would surely inform Ray of Benton not being an actual woman yet, though he felt sure of his gender assignment in his heart of hearts. He was a woman in the body of a man, and he was a woman who was swiftly falling in love with this Ray who was NOT Ray Vecchio.
Some Like It Both Ways